Board meeting Minutes/14 May 2019

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9 May 2019
Board meeting Minutes Next:
28 May 2019

Minutes approved: 20 August 2019

Andy Cowell (President), Andy Cowell (VP), Brian Globerman (Treasurer), Andree Jacobson (Secretary), Scott Suehle, Daniel Hodges
Drew Adams, Danielle White, Branson Matheson
9.07pm Eastern Time
9.46pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

No minutes to approve.

Discussion: Need to catch up on minutes. Andree agrees - will work on this.

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Globerman)

  • Balance on 5/14/2019: $28,978 (Last year, $32,010)
  • Profit / Loss: April 15th - May 14th: +$380, Since Jan 1 - net loss: $831

IRS Form 990 - Filed on time (accepted)

Note: WildApricot will charge an additional $32 / month because they are changing their payment system. Since we want to continue using Paypal for our members, the board has previously agreed this charge is reasonable.

Membership report (Hodges)

  • Total active members: 547 (Charter: 42, Complimentary: 7, Founding: 11, Individual: 176, Lifetime: 5, Student 333)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

Committee reports

Conferences/Events (Matheson: absent)

Nothing to report.


 We missed Northwest Linuxfest, Last weekend in April

Upcoming events we should bring up with Branson:

  • Ohio Linux Fest, Nov 1-2, 2019
  • LISA, Oct 28-20, 2019
  • All things open, in Raleigh NC (October 13-15)

FedEx’ing booth items - doesn’t work to well. Suggestion to create a few more kits to keep in strategic places.

Marketing/Communications (Adams)

Discussion: Local chapters - Need to get news out to local chapters. Looking for students, a thought is to offer a $200 monthly stipend for a volunteer to put together the LOPSAGram.

Technical Services (White: absent)

Discussion: Need to ensure tech group is responsive.

Education, Training and Mentorship (Cowell)

Mentorship program up and running, Advertised on website - Should mention this in LOPSAGram. Notes: Should try to recruit more mentees. So far, one mentee connected to one mentor.

LOPSA East Tennessee chapter YouTube channel successful trial with lapel microphone and Zoom. Suggest supporting chapters with $15 zoom subscription. And $25 up front for mic.

Proposal - Every local chapter that so requests should be approved to spending $25 on a lapel mic and other equipment (wire, etc), and $15/month for a Zoom subscription (covered by LOPSA), with the intention of making sure local chapter meetings are recorded, to create something similar to a podcast series.

Andy moves the proposal. Brian seconded. Motion carries unanimously.

Note: Some asset tracking will be required from the board

Recognition (Suehle)

Need to make selections and award the Yerkes award. In progress.

Leadership (Suehle)

Newsletter was sent out about elections. No replies. There are now four open slots for board positions.

Locals/Chapters (Matheson: absent)

Discussion: Brian trying to start chapter in Boseman (“Boseman IT professionals”). Perhaps good idea to include DevOps wording in local meetup / chapter information dissemination. There’s quite a few meetup groups in that area that are relatively active - and seem to reach a lot of people.

Established chapters

  • LA - No activity
  • Columbus - No activity
  • ETENN - No activity
  • Ottawa Valley System Administrators Guild - No activity
  • Seattle Area System Administrators Guild - No activity
  • San Diego - No activity
  • NJ - No activity - 797 days since last event
  • Chicago - No activity


 Andy Motioned for Adjournment
 Andree Seconded