Board meeting Minutes/7 November 2017

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24 October 2017
Board meeting Minutes Next:
5 December 2017

Minutes approved: 5 December 2017

(Subject to verification) Steve VanDevender, Andy Cowell, Brian Globerman, Aleksey Tsalolikhin, Danielle White, Drew Adams
9:27 P.M. Eastern Time
10:05 P.M. Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Andy moved we approve the minutes. Brian seconded.

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Brian)

Balance Info:

  • Total (PayPal and Bank of America): $30,372.63 +/- from last report (10/24/2017): +1,125.57
  • Change reflects membership signups and renewals at LISA 2017
    • Membership dues 1/1/17 - 11/5/17: $11,546.41
    • F2F 2017 meeting cost: $5,901.91

Reinstatement of 501(c)(3) status: Still waiting for notification from IRS for documents filed 9/2/2017 (2-4 month turnaround).


Membership report (VanDevender)

  • Total active members: 663 (previous report: 657, change: 6, pending renewal: 19)
  • Paying: 348 (15 new in last 30 days)
  • Non-paying: 315 (12 new in last 30 days)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

Committee reports

Conferences activities report (Steve)

LOPSA Cascadia 2018: (Steve)

Canceled at previous board meeting. Planning for Cascadia 2019.

Marketing/Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (Aleksey)

We are still on-boarding the new Community Manager, Larry.

Mentorship Report

Andy said he'd try to schedule the Xinspire (pronounced "shin-spire") demo for Nov 14th if Xinspire could do it at night.

Locals/Chapters Committee

Drew said he'd send Beth Lynn a list of LOPSA members in IL to seed the Chicago chapter that Beth Lynn offered to start.


 Andy Motioned for Adjournment
 Aleksey Seconded