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Date:    Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:56:55 CDT
Date:    Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:56:55 CDT

Revision as of 00:37, 16 January 2006


This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. The use of the term "SAGE" below may be historical.

Date:    Fri, 15 Jul 2005 10:56:55 CDT
To:      sage-members@sage.org
From:    David Parter <dparter@cs.wisc.edu>
Subject: [SAGE] Memo-to-Members (July 2005)

SAGE Memo-to-Members
July 2005

1. SAGE Board of Directors Election 

   The first election for the SAGE Board of Directors took place 
   June 17 - 24, 2005. Thanks to SAGE members who participated in the
   election, and to all the volunteers who helped make the
   election possible:

   Leadership Committee:
      Esther Filderman
      Adam Moskowitz
      Mario Obejas
      Greg Rose (chair)

      Andrew Hume     
      Chris Palmer    
      David Parter    
      Doug Hughes     
      Gabriel Krabbe  
      Geoff Halprin   
      Lorette Cheswick 
      Matthew Barr    
      Pat Wilson      
      Stephen Potter
      Steve Misrack
      Tom Perrine
      Trey Harris

   Voting software, hosting and membership data:
      Matt Okeson-Harlow
      Jesse Trucks
      Cyrberius' Networks
      Jane-Ellen Long (USENIX Association)

   Greg Rose provided a full explanation of the ballot-counting process
   and the official results. It is online at:

2. Management and Operations

   An association management company has been selected, and we are
   working out the details of the contract. Expect an announcement with
   more details when the contract is signed. Until then, we are working
   with the management company to plan transition activities (the first
   Board Meeting, establishing the business infrastructure,
   transferring of membership records, and transferring of services).

3. SAGE Board of Directors meeting

   The first meeting of the new Board of Directors will be July
   29-31. Our management company, which has a lot of experience in
   situations like this, is taking a very active role in planning and
   staffing the meeting. The schedule is divided into three section:
     i. Non-profit board training
     ii. Strategic planning
     iii. Business meeting

   During the business meeting, officers will be selected and board
   member responsibilities will be assigned.

4. Salary Survey 

   Rob Kolstad announced the SAGE Salary Survey on June 30. The story
   made it to slashdot on July 2. The more participation, the
   better. Please pass the word to all your co-workers and any other
   sysadmins you know!

   The survey is online at http://www.sage.org/salsur

5. LISA Conference

   The annual LISA conference will be December 4-9, 2005 in San Diego, CA. 
   Program and registration materials will be available in September. If
   you haven't already done so, now might be a good time to start
   getting approval from your management for your LISA trip!

6. Improved Communication With Our Members

   Improved communication with our members will be a major topic of
   discussion at the meeting. We have already had some discussions about 
   restructuring and making better use of SAGE mailing lists (but nothing
   has been decided yet)

   Look for the next memo-to-members around August 8 (about a week after
   the board meeting), with a full report from the board meeting. 

   Our preliminary plan is to publish a memo-to-members every month, and
   more often as needed.

   If you have any comments, feedback, questions, please contact us:
      SAGE Board of Directors: board@sage-members.org

David Parter
Your memo-to-members editor and SAGE Board member 