This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. The use of the term "SAGE" below may be historical.
Interested in helping SAGE create the future? Let us know - send mail to board@sage-members.org. And thanks for your support!
To show our gratitude to "early adopters", any sponsor registering before August 1st, 2006 will be designated a "SAGE Founding Sponsor".
For Individuals
Level |
Minimum Donation |
- Text acknowledgement on SAGE Contributor page
- "SAGE Supporter" graphic including level for your web site**
mention in Memo to Members in the month following donation
"SAGE Contributor" plaque for home or office display
Verbal acknowledgement at SAGE-sponsored events
- *Specific level benefits are inclusive of benefits for all previous levels
- **Subject to appropriate rules of use
For Consultants
Level |
Minimum Donation |
- Text acknowledgement on SAGE Consultant page
- "SAGE Consultant" graphic including level for your web site**
Mention in Memo to Members the month following donation
URL link to consultant's web site on SAGE Consultant page
Mention in Memo to Members twice yearly
- Click-thru logo to consultant's web site on SAGE Consultant page
- "SAGE Consultant" plaque for home or office display
Verbal acknowledgement at SAGE-sponsored events
- *Specific level benefits are inclusive of benefits for all previous levels
- **Subject to appropriate rules of use
For Corporations
Level |
Minimum Donation |
- Access to all SAGE membership websites and online services
- Mention in "Memo to Members" the month following donation
- Acknowledgement in the SAGE-provided LISA onsite conference materials
- Your click-thru name on "SAGE Sponsors" page**
- "SAGE Sponsor" graphic indicating level for use on your website**
- Mention in "Memo to Members" twice a year (includes the month following donation)
- One-time use of SAGE postal mail list at half the list value***
- "SAGE Sponsor" plaque indicating level for office and/or booth at trade shows
- Your click-thru logo on "SAGE Sponsors" page**
- Mention in "Memo to Members" four times a year (includes the month following donation)
- Full set of SAGE Short Topics In Systems Administration booklets ($165 value)
- Verbal acknowledgement at SAGE-sponsored events
- Mention in "Memo to Members" each month
- Registration of up to five SAGE Individual memberships ($225 value)
- Named sponsorship of a single event/half-day continuing event at a SAGE-sponsored conference**
- Distribution of marketing materials at SAGE booth(s)
- Registration of an additional five (total 10) individual SAGE members ($450 value)
- Your click-through logo or company name in the footer of every SAGE web page**
- Name/logo on SAGE banners at events
- Named sponsorship of an additional (total 2) event/full-day continuing event at a SAGE-sponsored conference**
To Be Determined
- *Specific corporate level benefits are inclusive of benefits for all previous levels
- **Subject to appropriate rules of use
- ***Subject to appropriate rules of use; full value may not be realized until 3Q 2006