Board meeting Minutes/25 September 2006
Prior: 18 September 2006 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 2 October 2006 |
Minutes approved: 2 October 2006
- Present
- Tom Perrine (chair), Matthew Barr, Trey Harris, Doug Hughes, Andrew Hume, Chris Palmer, David Parter, Pat Wilson (note taker), Sam Albrecht
- Apologies
- Stephen Potter
- Opened
- 20:06 Eastern Time
- Closed
- 21:02 Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 18 September 2006
Consent agenda passed.
Action Items
Board Committees
- Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
- Albrecht - Develop sponsorship strategy and report to board. - in progress AH's Michele Biordi has agreed to work on LOPSA sponsorships for conference and for general sponsors
ACTION ITEM: Hughes and Parter to arrage for appropriate website and Wiki access for Biordi
- Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
- Palmer - Contact local office of possible partner [due 10/16]
- Albrecht - Send thank you packages to Sysadmin Day volunteers. - no progress.
- Barr - Connect with Chapman regaring TechReach International and come back to board with proposal(s) for cooperation - in progress Waiting for Chapman reply
- Leadership Committee (Greg Rose)
- Policy Committee (Harris)
- Communications Committee
- Palmer - Discuss possible member survey methodologies with Chavez - no progress
- Albrecht - Select current sponsor to use regarding possible ad mockup. - no progress.
- Membership Committee
- Hughes, Palmer: Generate appropriate lists and send letters out to non-member web accounts - DONE message sent to all accounts > 30 days old
[ Harris joins at 20:15 ]
Program Committees
- Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
- Wilson - form LISA planning group - in progress will also publish call in MtM
- Albrecht - Check AH Marriott room rates. - in progress
- Barr - Check further pricing on catering service and rooms - on hold for AH rates
- Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
- Parter - Mailing lists/online forum - no progress
- Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
- Financial
- Hume - Prepare statement about AH payment [due 6/26] - in progress
- Hume - prepare annual financial report [due 6/26] - in progress
- Albrecht:
- Touch base with IRS [due 8/28] - in progress
- Query insurance company regarding possible member insurance options [due 10/16]
- Barr:
- Harris:
- Restart Resume Standards project - no progress
- Present draft financial policies for Board approval (low priority) - no progress
- Hughes:
- Hume:
- Chat with the SNIA Chief Scientist regarding possible partnering [due 9/11] - waiting for reply
- Palmer:
- Parter:
- Perrine:
- Contact Leadership Committee regarding next (summer 2007) election [due 9/18] - not done
- Potter:
- Wilson:
- Resend earlier suggested member survey questions to Board - DONE
- All:
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report (first meeting of the month only)
- Membership report
- See the online report for this week's status
- Online report
Hughes has been automating more parts of the site and working with the volunteer investigating possible jobs board outsources. RT has apparently been down for a bit, but there haven't been any complaints.
- Training event report
- see web site
Announcement imminent..
- Development report
Annual Member Meeting (Parter)
from 18 Sept meeting
Upon further reading, the Annual Member Meeting does not need to be at LISA.
MOTION: by Parter, seconded by Harris that the 2006 Annual Member Meeting be at Phoenix Sysadmin Days and that the Sec'y be directed to send the required notice to members. Passes
Members not able to attend should have someplace to send questions (ala /. "ask the expert")
Member survey (Wilson)
from 11 Sept meeting
More discussion on a straw poll (needed quickly) of the membership. See 2006 renewal straw poll wiki page
ACTION ITEM: Wilson to work on final wording for survey and send to Board for approval by Wednesday [27 Sept].
Survey should be online as soon as possible.
New Business
Local AZ group
MOTION: by Hume, seconded by Hughes to accept application of LOPSA-US-AZ for Chapter status contingent on receiving completed application w/in 30 days. Passes.
MOTION to adjourn by Barr, seconded by Wilson Passes. Adjourned at 21:02 ET