Board meeting Minutes/14 June 2010

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1 June 2010
Board meeting Minutes Next:
28 June 2010

Minutes approved: 28 June 2010

Philip Kizer(chair), Lois Bennett, Ski Kacoroski, Dan Rich,
David Parter, Jesse Trucks, Derek Balling
8:05 Eastern Time
8:57 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

The minutes are not complete Bennett and Kiser will address that and present minutes next time.

Action Items

  • Bennett - Got email from Eben. Lopsagram to go out in next day or before the end of the week.
  • Kiser - (Philip can you put in here what you said. I don't remember and I didn't seem to get notes.)
  • Kacoroski - PICC data into database but not showing up needs to see if Danielle needs to do something.
  • Rich - Has talked with Travis. More in Tech report

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report

The financial picture is not good because we are not bringing in members or sponsorships to meet our debts. We are meeting our expenses currently because of the success of PICC. We are hampered by the fact that we are not getting timely financial data.

  • Membership report

Membership is flat. Our database is making it very difficult to get a handle on the numbers.

  • Technical services report

Rich reported that Travis told him he would report to Jesse and Jesse would report to the board but Jesse is not here. Philip will contact Travis and Jesse,

  • Conference/events activities report

We will have a table and pamphlets at the USENIX Federated Conference week next week. Bennett will setup the table and banners with some brochures but won't be staying with the booth. Bennet will try to find some volunteers by writing to BBLISA and asking in the lopsagram

  • Upcoming MtM

Bennett will get out the memo to members June 15 (tomorrow) or shortly there after.

New Business

Appoint Jimmy Kaplowitz to a vacancy on the Board

Bennett Moved and Rich seconded Passed unanimously

Appoint William Bilancio to a vacancy on the Board

Rich Moved and Kacoroski seconded Passed unanimously


Mentorship Project underway

Bennett reported on the first meeting of the LOPS mentorship Project Team (LMPT) On an hour long conference call Friday afternoon 10 Team members planned to start a program with the goal to be able to announce the program at LISA as a running program.


Rich moved and Bennett Seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:57.