Board meeting Minutes/29 November 2010

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15 November 2010
Board meeting Minutes Next:
13 December 2010

Minutes approved: 13 December 2010

Philip Kizer (chair), Derek Balling, Lois Bennett, William Bilancio, Ski Kacoroski, Jimmy Kaplowitz, Dan Rich
Jesse Trucks, David Parter
20:06 Eastern Time
21:01 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
    • Bank balance: $9533.99
    • LISA income: $2652 less fees that have yet to appear (am a guessing fees will be < $100)
    • Anticipated expenses: $5000 to AH, Directors insurance $??, Postage Meter plus postage ~$400 or just postage ~$150, fees for CC machine use.
    • Anticipated income: ~$5000 from OLF
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
  • Mentor Committee report
  • Education Committee report
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Executive Session

Entered at 20:30, ended at 20:34

Appoint Matthew Barr to a vacancy on the Board (Kizer)

  • Discussion and voting
  • Balling moves, Kacoroski seconds to Appoint Matthew Barr to the open board position
  • Motion passes unanimously.

Postage meter? (Bennett)

William has about 100 membership packets to send out. Do we want to invest in a postagemeter for his house? There are a few options. It will cost $200-$300 for the year. Here are a couple of the options I found:

Bylaws Change (Balling)

MOTION: In order to split the board membership terms into two roughly even alternating groups, I MOVE the following:

"Article 4, Directors, Director Terms" shall be amended to read as follows:

"Except as otherwise indicated, a Director shall serve for a term of two years, beginning at the Annual Directors Meeting following their election, and ending at the Annual Directors Meeting two years following."

"Article 4, Directors, Board Term" shall be amended to read as follows:

"Current Board Term shall mean the original Director Term of an individual Board member based on their original election to the Board, or, in the event that they are a replacement appointee, the Director Term of the Board member they are a replacement for."

"Article 4, Directors, Election of Directors" shall be amended as follows:

STRIKE "Voting shall be held every two years, in June."

INSERT "Voting shall be held annually, in June, for the portion of the Board members whose terms are expiring."

"Article 14. Formation Arrangements" is STRICKEN.

A new "Article 14. Board Term Conversion Arrangements" is added as follows:

"Articles in this section override all other sections of these Bylaws.

To facilitate the conversion from co-terminating Board Terms to a staggered Board Term, the following conditions apply to the June 2011 Election Cycle:

  • There shall be (5) two-year Terms, and (4) one-year Terms.
  • Under the Single Transferable Vote method, the first five winners of Board Seats shall be awarded the two-year terms. The remaining four Directors shall be awarded the one-year terms.
  • This shall be implemented, programatically, by running a STV election run for a Board consisting of five members, to determine the two-year term winners. It shall then be run, as normal, for a Board consisting of nine members, with the additional winners being awarded the one year terms.
  • It is implemented in this fashion to allow the STV system to account for "ties" where two Directors are both eligible for positions in the same round of run-offs."

Motion passes unanimously. We will send it out to the membership for comments and then vote on ratification at the 1/10/2011 meeting

New Web Site (Bilancio)

Dual Memberships (ski)

Idea is to have a dual membership with other organizations as a way to try and grow our member base. Idea tabled for now.



Balling moved and Bilancio seconded a motion to adjourn at 21:01