Board meeting Minutes/10 January 2011

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13 December 2010
Board meeting Minutes Next:
24 January 2011

Minutes approved: 24 January 2011

Philip Kizer (chair), Matthew Barr, Lois Bennett, William Bilancio, Ski Kacoroski, Jimmy Kaplowitz, Dan Rich, Jesse Trucks
08:08 Eastern Time
09:07 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Action Item: William and Philip working on insurance form for Directors

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
    • Dec income had 19 new/renewals at $50 + a $250 donation for a total of $1200, after paying known bills will have $11K in the bank. Still need to send a debt payment to AH. Still not paying director's insurance so expenses are low. We are positive. OLF still owes us about $5K. Lois will check in a week or so on this. William has two more checks (not sure what amounts were).
  • Technical services report
    • Removed inactive folks from tech mail list. Duplicating stuff from -001 to -002 to test upgrade before doing it on the live system.
  • Conference/events activities report
    • SCALE coming up in Feb, 4 trainers ready to go. Need to start advertising it.
    • Cascadia coming up in Mar, one trainer had to cancel so we are looking for another trainer. Conference has 3 registrations even before the full schedule is announced.
    • PICC coming up in Apr, looking for trainers.
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
    • Tom Perrine, Tom Limoncelli are working to ramp up LOPSA's presence in the social network world.
    • Ski going to work with Brian to get LopsaGram out as Lois has been too busy.
    • Philip, William, TomL meeting with ACM on 1/21st to talk about how we can help each other
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Deal With The Board Vacancy

So what is the game plan for this vacancy. (bilancio)

  • We decided to not fill it and have the Leadership Committee focus on get volunteers for the June Elections.

Member Packets (Bilancio)

I think it's time to rethink the new member packet. Right now we spend around $2- $3 per new user. Right now we have to reorder the letter and card stock. In a current mail thread on the discuss list it was brought up some of the members would rather not get a card or sticker, but do like the lapel pin. I think we need to discuss if it's time for a change.

  • Decided to send out emails only to members with emails containing links to PDFs for the Code of Ethics and Membership card. We will send out lapel pins if a member asks for one. We will continue to send out regular mail to sponsors. This is done to reduce costs and board member workload.

Stonefly - Lopsa Promotion (Ski)

The idea is that Stonefly will provide a discount up to $1000 on their products if customer donates that amount to LOPSA. This will be easy to manage as the customer will just need to show the receipt from LOPSA to get the discount on their purchase. Stonefly can send and email to their customer base and we can send an email to our members about it.

  • Idea sounds good. Ski will follow up on this.

New Business

Jimmy moved and Ski seconded motion to ratify bylaw changes voted on during the November 29th, 2010 meeting. Passed with no opposing votes. Changes are:

"Article 4, Directors, Director Terms" shall be amended to read as follows:

"Except as otherwise indicated, a Director shall serve for a term of two years, beginning at the Annual Directors Meeting following their election, and ending at the Annual Directors Meeting two years following."

"Article 4, Directors, Board Term" shall be amended to read as follows:

"Current Board Term shall mean the original Director Term of an individual Board member based on their original election to the Board, or, in the event that they are a replacement appointee, the Director Term of the Board member they are a replacement for."

"Article 4, Directors, Election of Directors" shall be amended as follows:

STRIKE "Voting shall be held every two years, in June."

INSERT "Voting shall be held annually, in June, for the portion of the Board members whose terms are expiring."

"Article 14. Formation Arrangements" is STRICKEN.

A new "Article 14. Board Term Conversion Arrangements" is added as follows:

"Articles in this section override all other sections of these Bylaws.

To facilitate the conversion from co-terminating Board Terms to a staggered Board Term, the following conditions apply to the June 2011 Election Cycle:

   * There shall be (5) two-year Terms, and (4) one-year Terms.
   * Under the Single Transferable Vote method, the first five winners of Board Seats shall be awarded the two-year terms. The remaining four Directors shall be awarded the one-year terms.
   * This shall be implemented, programatically, by running a STV election run for a Board consisting of five members, to determine the two-year term winners. It shall then be run, as normal, for a Board consisting of nine members, with the additional winners being awarded the one year terms.
   * It is implemented in this fashion to allow the STV system to account for "ties" where two Directors are both eligible for positions in the same round of run-offs." 


  • Philip will be the keynote speaker at Cascadia IT conference.


Jesse moved and William seconded motion to adjourn at 09:08.