Board meeting Minutes/25 Jan 2016

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11 Jan 2016
Board meeting Minutes Next:
8 Feb 2016

Minutes approved: 8 Feb 2016

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting! George Beech,
(Subject to verification) Ski Kacoroski (chair), John Boris, Steve VanDevender, Matt Disney, Paul English,Thomas Uphill, Atom Powers
William Bilancio,
9:02 PM Eastern Time
9:32 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

See RT Board Queue

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Disney, Kacoroski)

    • BoA Account: $47,617.42
    • PayPal Account: $7,718.50
    • TDBank: $2,001.21
    • Total: $57,337.13
      • +/- from last report: $6,506.65
      • LOPSA Balance: $51,418.74
      • CasITConf Balance: $5,918.39
  • Summary of expenditures since last report:
    • Budgeted operations
  • Summary of income since last report:
    • Membership dues
    • Paessler AG, Corporate Gold Sponsor
  • Top priorities
    • EIN for LOPSA East
    • New budget framework
    • Transition bank accounts
    • 2014 990
    • Assuming HootSuite charges
    • Finances committee charter
  • Misc
    • 2015 Budget Worksheet updated with actuals (see Google Sheets)
    • 2016 Budget Worksheet instantiated. Will rework and simplify before next meeting.

Paul asked if LOPSA could manage the Domain Name for SASAG. Also possibly handle other financials for the Locals. Matt agreed it should be revisited that we handle the financials for the locals. Matt and Paul will discuss this and bring back to the board a plan.

Atom asked contracts for the CasITconf trainers. Matt asked Atom to get him a spreadsheet with the information and Atom said it was created and will share it out to him.

Matt will have the Budget ready for everyone to review.

Membership report (VanDevender, Bilancio)

  • Total active members: 667 (previous report: 665, change: +2)
  • Paying: 457 (12 new in last 30 days)
  • Non-paying: 210 (19 new in last 30 days)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

Steve will be sending out an email to the pending student memberships to remind them the type of verification they need to send in.

Committee reports

Conferences/Events/Chapters activities report (Bilancio, Powers)

CasIT Conf is on schedule. Atom is double checking and it looks god to start the registration.

Ski asked about a student registration for Friday. Ski stated he could setup the student registration and Atom agreed. Ski informed the board that CasITconf will be using Wild Apricot to handle the registrations which would save almost $20 per user.

Ski reported on sCale and said he signed up 6 new members at the booth and was able to scan their badges which he will put into Wild Apricot.

LOPSA-East will open Registration on February 15th.

Paul will be looking into LINUX Northwest to have a table there.

Education (Kacoroski, Boris)

Nothing to report

Speakers Bureau (Powers, English)

Nothing to report

Marketing/Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (English, Uphill)

  • Reminder email for LOPSAgram content sent. ETD Sat Feb 6th
  • Now actively soliciting technical blog posts for LOPSAgram content - thinking one per month
  • A member stopped at the sCale booth volunteered to post items to the sysadmin part of the Sysadmin news part of the page.
  • Ski will do a message for the President's corner and will get something from Pressler.
  • Ski mentioned to Paul and Atom about some sponsors that want to get involved with CasITconf.
  • John asked about the Blogs site being mentioned in the LOPSAGram. Paul stated it was in there but will look to add another mention. Ski stated one member contacted him about a login for that and he took care of it.

Technical Services Report (Beech, VanDevender)

Dan working on moving us to Dreamhost from ServerBeach this could save us up to $2,000 per year which might offset the new cost for Wild Apricot. Paul mentioned once the move is complete he will take the Server Beach acknowledgement off the Lopsagram.

Mentorship Report (Boris, Beech)

No Report

Recognition (Uphill, Disney)

Leadership Committee (Warner, Kacoroski)

Nothing to report

Results of Branding Conference Call (Boris,Kacoroski)

Ski and George were on the call. A summary of the call is on the Board's Google Docs for review. She confirmed that we were doing the correct thing with the new web site and we need to just do some more word smithing to the site to make sure people know our mission and what we stand for. We should get together and focus where we are going and then get back to her if we think we need her help. She firmed up our conversations at the Face to Face. We are basically in the middle of a branding or marketing person needs. After the talk it looks like we should pare down our projects even more. After the talk it looks as premature to go with a consultant.

  • Ski and George thought the call went well and that we should focus a bit more and then at that point get someone back in to help us develop our plan.
  • A suggestion from the talk came that we have a lot of content but it is hidden. Maybe even putting a section for free items or advice that would make people come back to the site and then make the decision to become a member.

Building Communities (Jessica Hilt)... (Ski)

High points from her talk are:

  • Communities are: Peers (work group), Interrelated Peers (various depts at work), User Groups (varying degrees of interest/commitment for a purpose)
  • Communities are not tools like Facebook, Google+, Slack, etc.
  • Communities do well when we all work together, this is why communities like LOPSA are important
  • Community properties:
    • Education/Evaluation: are we focused on the right thing - ask folks about our focus, provide help to others, check on products and avoid reinventing the wheel
    • Socialization/Promotion: networking with peers to spread information to others, key is that folks have positive interaction with community - they want to participate
    • Inspiration: create opportunities for people to do things they would not normally do (help out at booth)
  • Creating a community
    • Identify the need (who, how specific, what)- create a venn diagram
    • Recruitment - find extroverts, people who see a specific need, complainers who you can give a way to fix their problem
    • Organization - Need to find tool (facebook, irc, etc) that works for the group.
    • Find specific tasks to match up with talent you have - people want a role and want to be part of something bigger than themselves
  • Problems
    • Need to set rules and enforce them (zero BOFH tolerance, no dumb answers, recruit experts to help others like mentorship)
    • Newbie - Beginner - Intermediate - Experts (many folks drop out at the intermediate stage.

New Business

No new business


No Notes


 George Motioned for Adjournment
 Thomas Seconded