Board meeting Minutes/3 Dec 2012

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19 Nov 2012
Board meeting Minutes Next:
17 Dec 2012

Minutes approved: 8 Apr 2013

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), William Bilancio, Martin Gehrke, John Boris, Dan Rich, Ski Kacoroski, Matt Disney,Evan Pettrey, Jesse Trucks
8:02 PM Eastern Time
8:51 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Approval of minutes of 19 Nov 2012 tabled until December 17th Meeting.

Action Items

Please review all of your open tickets. There were three tickets that did not have owners. Owners were found for them and they will be handled.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
    The accounts have been moved to Bank of America. The move to a Non Profit PayPal account is still in progress. Evan reminded the board of any reimbursable items to get them in as he and Philip are going over the financials. Matt and Evan will work on a report for LISA.
  • Membership report
    • 813 members
    • 73 lapsed members this month, 336 YTD
    • We picked up 10 new members last week and we can expect a spike after LISA.
  • Technical services report
    The development server is almost ready and the servers are up for testing. The team is setting up a monitoring server in a different data center so they can get some benchmarks. This should help us this year for LISA. Testing for the forums should be able to start this weekend. The DNS changes for the server moves are in place and our Registrar has always done a quick job for us on DNS moves.
  • Conference/events activities report
    SCALE is looking for trainers especially one for Wireshark. We owe them an invoice for last year to clean things up.
    LOPSA-EAST will be extending their CFP.
    Cascadia still has their CFP open and their registration should be opening in a few months.
    Both conferences are still looking for sponsors.
    LISA is next week. The Yerkes award has been ordered, Badge holders are going out and all the items needed for the table should be there by Friday.
  • Mentorship Status report
    John has taken over the Board Mentorship Liaison from Jesse. The Team has finished testing the automation of Protege/Mentorship signups and will debut this at LISA. The team would like the mentor to be automatically added to the mailing list. The Team has finalized the static web pages. The presentations for the LISA community meeting are in progress. There will be a raffle for Mentors at LISA. The winners will be announced at the end of the LISA meeting. There will be a mentorship BoF. There is a scheduling problem that needs to be ironed out. Currently the BoF will be just before the Community project. It was noted the Mentorship BoF will be the night before the Community meeting.
  • Development report
    No report
  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (last meeting of the month only)
    The LOPSAgram will be going out tonight. We have a person, Doug Hunley, who agreed to redesign the LOPSAgarm to be more modern with pictures and PDF version. It will be a template. There will be a more information coming out via Twitter and other social media from the Locals Websites. The Corporate Sponsorship portion of the LOPSAgram has been updated to reflect our current sponsorships. Server Beach will be added as our Server host.
  • Project Management report
    Jesse informed that he will not be needing much data from everyone and asked everyone to update the Wiki prior to LISA. Each Project manager is asked to go to the Wiki page and update their projects by Friday of this week. Dan will update the Wiki. The Job Board will be updated since we have the Dev server up. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of January.
    The volunteers project is going to be turned into part of the job board. That will give the job board two parts. The key issue is to be able to track the volunteers. We need to track how many hours a person puts in.
  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
    • LC - Dan is trying to get in touch with Dave Parter, have not gotten response to e-mails. Planning on calling him tomorrow.

LISA'12 Prep (Kizer)

  • Project updates (community meeting items)

Handled in Projects Report section

  • Elevator Pitch discussion/collection

Ski asked that people send him their ideas so he can print them out for the people at the table.

Dan suggested a short version on a card for someone new at the table. The sheets are fine but new folks need short small items. It worked well at SCALE last time when we focused on Community.

A discussion continued on a focal point for our talking points. A consensus was reached that there should be only three bullet points and Locals was a good focal point for these items.

Ski is trying work out arrangements with the Hotel for the LOPSA After Dark but it may be cost prohibitive to do that. The location of the Hotel has caused issues for us to have this. It was suggested we contact USENIX to see if they can help us get this arranged.

O'Rielly is donating books for us to use at the table.


Martin has been polling the Locals and has been getting some feedback. There was a person in the Philadelphia area who wanted to start a chapter but has not replied back.


Motion to adjourn by Matt Seconded by William