Board meeting Minutes/6 May 2013

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22 Apr 2013
Board meeting Minutes Next:
20 May 2013

Minutes approved: 20 May 2013

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), William Bilancio, John Boris, Dan Rich, Matt Disney, Martin Gehrke, Ski Kacoroski
Evan Pettrey
8:00 PM Eastern Time
8:52 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda approved with one correction on 22 April 2013.

Action Items

The board is reminded to review their open tickets and either close them or update them. Please review the unassigned ticket. One is concerning paying membership overseas. William stated they can wire it to the bank. This will be handled by William and Evan.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report

With the Absence of Evan, Matt stated that our liabilities are up to date. The LOPSA-East figures still has to be compiled.

  • Membership report
    • 814 members
    • 49 lapsed members in Apr, 116 in Q1
    • E-mail reminder sent to everyone who lapsed in Q1. The Q1 lapsed number has decreased since the last meeting, possibly because of this.
    • LOPSA-East attendees not included in the above, expected to be loaded next week
  • Technical services report

The Web designer got back to William and they will meet up in the next week. Jesse and William will talk over the Drupal upgrade to 7. This design will allow for the roll out of the forums. The new design does not work well with Drupal 7 thus the need to get a designer to work on it.

William will speak with Jesse on the Jobs Board.

The goal is to have Drupal 7 in place before the Face to Face after the election.

  • Conference/events activities report

William announced the new Crossbow chair -- Aleksey Tsalolikhin. He accepted the job enthusiastically. He will be working on getting the money owed us by SCALE. He will try and form a team to work with him.

LOPSA-EAST finished this past weekend. People complained about the WiFi. William met with Mike Julian about the Eastern Tennessee conference. Dave Parter took most of the meeting with Mike and Mike will redo his budget.

Dave Parter wants to do a conference in Madison. William explained he has to have a full year of meetings under his belt before they can hold a conference.

LISA is next so start thinking on the Yerkes award. William told Aleksey he does not have to worry about LISA.

  • Mentorship Status report

The LMPT team held a BoF at LOPSA-East and only two people showed up and the BoF was ended early. Ed was at LOPSA-East and ran the BoF as best he could. There were only two people to stop by and one may become a mentor. I believe one must have been Chandie as Ed said there was a juggling tutorial.

Ski commented he has a Windows person at work that might step up and take one of the proteges.

  • Local Chapter Committee report

We met a few people at LOPSA-EAST that wanted to start a chapter. One is in Clemson. The Locals Committee will be setting up a meeting shortly.

The New York Chapter seems to be having issues. George Beach and Justin Lintz will talk with Doug Hughes and see what can be done. William said the LOPSA-NJ will help out with speakers wherever they can.

  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)

This is moved to benefits below

  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (last meeting of the month only)

Ski sent out the LOPSAGram and has its revamping at the top of his agenda.

Ski met with Linux Professional Institute LPI. They want to expand. Their organization sets up the criteria for exams and then that is taken by organizations to setup their exams for sale to people. Ski recommended that if they want to work with us we could start with Ethics. They will get back to us.

Ski went to ACPE Northwest conference and gave a few talks on time management.

  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

Philip got a response back from Greg Rose on the Lifetime membership. William, Evan and Dan want to be involved with the development of the Lifetime membership. Philip will keep them up on that development.

Matt reminded everyone about the LOPSA-Live and asked if we need to do anything like reminders or information as that is run by the LC. Philip will contact the LC to see how things are going for the LOPSA-Live.

Stipend competition to attend 2013 USENIX Women in Advanced Computing Summit (John Boris)

There weren't any pledges as of this date. We have to decide what we are going to do with this. Who is handling the contest to get the stipend?

Matt reported that the stipend amount is $1,750 with the LOPSA portion. We now need someone to apply for it. We have the page on Ski has been promoting it on Twitter and other social media. We have to search for a person to go. Matt and Ski will get together and promote it more. Ski will ask Ann in USENIX and Matt to talk it up. William thought Riki mentioned it in a BLOG.

William and Dan cleaned up the web page during the meeting.

Matt has a specific timeline and will keep everyone informed of anyone applying as we get closer to the closing date.

Final sign-off on Land's End as on-line merchandise provider (Dan)

The LOPSA logo store is ready to go on the Land's End site, we just need to review the products and announce it to our members. The site is up.

Dan asked for final approval so it can go live. There were no objections so the Board approved for the Lands End page to go Live. There will be a Post and then a link.

Dan will write up a post and get it to Ski for posting.

William met with the T-Shirt company and we need to decide what number of shirts we need and sizes and then we can go live as well. We can get a bunch printed for LISA. Just enough to gain interest.

Philip asked if we are okay doing our own editing or should we be looking for an external copy editor resource. For now Ski said we could stay with our internal review.

Benefits proposal discussion (Dan)

Since there has only been one response to the benefits e-mail I sent last week, I want to discuss it at the meeting. Dan wants to get this survey out to the members. The board walked through the benefits lists and discussed them as topics.

Philip mentioned that more on ethics but that is a bit tough to make a tangible benefit. May be we could use that as a marketing value.

Ski agrees with enhancing the LOPSAGram. The O'Reilly eBook could happen this month. We are just working out the details. Ski needs help in expanding the networking opportunities.

Dan acknowledged that a lot of items on the list will need volunteers to make them happen.

Matt congratulated Dan for pulling this together as it has been a major task to define the list. Matt wanted to add Mentor opportunity to professional development. Matt wanted a separate item for Presentation opportunities like LOPSA-East, Cascadia. Being involved with LOPSA would give you the Professional network that will provide you more opportunities to speak and/or give training.

William and Philip stated that the Partnership for the Jobs has never worked out in the past. The jobs board is coming with the Site upgrade. The mailing list is working, although not the easiest but it is working and being used. It can be used as a Marketing item.

Dan will make this into a survey and get it out to the members.

Matt brought up that we could comp each of our trainers but William stated that every trainer we have used so far has been a LOPSA member. We can't dictate that we just use members we would be in a bind especially when it comes to Windows items. William further stated that he goes to the members first and then if need be will go outside to fill the training position.

William was on board comping a membership if need be but the Treasurer should speak on that portion before we make it a definite.

New Business

Transparency Talk (William)

William asks that if a board member has a big topic that might start a big discussion please put it into the agenda more than a day before the meeting. That will give all the members a chance to review it.

Philip further stated that the board should do this for any topic they wish to discuss and they should read the agenda prior to the meeting as it makes the meeting more productive.




Dan motioned for Adjournment William Seconded