Board meeting Minutes/12 Mar 2012
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Prior: 27 Feb 2012 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 26 Mar 2012 |
Minutes approved: 9 Apr 2012
- Present
- (Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), William Bilancio, Ski Kacoroski, Dan Rich, Lois Bennett, Matt Disney, Nadine Miller
- Apologies
- Chris St. Pierre, Jesse Trucks
- Opened
- 09:05pm Eastern Time
- Closed
- 09:38pm Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 13 Feb 2012
- Approve minutes of 27 Feb 2012
Action Items
No news on our action items
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report
- We have made a payment to AH and set up a plan with AH to pay off the debt in 3 years.
- Membership report
- 54!! lapsed members this month, 27 in Feb
- 31 new members since the first of the year
- Mary working on contacting folks and cleaning up our membership database.
- Technical services report
- Nothing going on
- Conference/events activities report
- Cascadia coming up in 2 weeks. Registration is looking good.
- PICC just pick keynote and registration is looking good.
- Mentorship Status report
- They are trying to figure out ways to keep projects going and not just stopping before they are completed.
- Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
- Two class groups from Pepperdine University want to help us with LOPSA marketing.
- Upcoming LOPSAgram and #lopsa-live (last meeting of the month only)
- This is on hold until after Cascadia Conference.
MOO business card discount... (Ski)
- We decided that Ski should just get this done.
Shoebox account... (Lois)
- We all decided that using Shoebox to track our receipts and paperwork. Lois will send out information on how to use it.
New Business
Bellevue College - New System Admin Course (Ski)...
Bellevue College is planning on starting up a 4 year degree in System Administration. Ski will be attending the initial meeting on Mar 31st on it as part of their search for industry input.
Dan moved that we adjorn at 09:38pm, Willam seconded.