Board meeting Minutes/13 Jul 2015

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Board meeting Minutes Next:

Minutes approved: 27 Jul 2015

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Dan Rich (chair), William Bilancio, Steve VanDevender, Ski Kacoroski, Matt Disney, George Beech,John Boris,Thomas Uphill
Mark Honomichl
Paul English,Atom Powers
9:08 PM Eastern Time
9:30 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Motion submitted via electronic mail on 29-Jun-2015

  • Dan Rich moved that the LOPSA 2015 budget be approved as shared in the Google document "2015 LOPSA Budget" and summarized below.
2015 Budget Worksheet
Income & Expense Projections
General Income Fixed Expenses
Membership $22,500 Administration $150
Paid Members 500 Annual Meeting $5,400
Avg. Membership $45.00 Insurance $1,200
Sponsorships - Individual/Cash $2,000 Paypal $120
Sponsorships - Corporate/Cash $5,000 Quickbooks $323
Sponsorships - Individual/In-Kind $4,000 New board member packet (books) $300
Sponsorships - Corporate/In-Kind $0 Web Site Hosting $2,136
Grants $0 Subtotal Fixed Expenses $9,629
Conferences (excluding membership) $0
Merchandise $0
Other $0
Subtotal General Income $33,500
Committee Income Committee Expenses
Awards $0 Awards $250
Communications $0 Communications $8,736
Conferences $0 Conferences $1,000
Development $0 Development $0
Education $0 Education $0
Finance $0 Finance $0
Leadership $0 Leadership $0
Locals $0 Locals $0
Membership $0 Membership $1,657
Mentorship $0 Mentorship $871
TSC $0 TSC $300
Publications $0 Publications $0
Subtotal Committee Income $0 Subtotal Committee Expenses $12,813
Admin Assistant $7,500
Hrs. per week 10
Hourly rate $15
Subtotal Programs Expenses $7,500
Programs Programs
LPR $0 LPR $0
SkillsUSA $0 SkillsUSA $0
Subtotal Programs $0 Subtotal Programs Expenses $0
Subtotal - Debt Expenses $0
Other Expenses
Sponsorship Grants (WIAC, etc.) $2,500
Merchandise $0
Patent and trademark $0
LISA expenses $1,000
Legal fees $0
Subtotal Other Expenses $3,500
Conference Subsidiary
Legal Fees $2,500
Subsidiary Seed Money $0
Subsidiary Total $0
Total Income $33,500 Total Expenses $33,443
Profit/Loss $57
  • Motion Adopted

Action Items

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Disney)

  • Balance info
    • BoA Account: $56,562.76
    • PayPal Account: $3,927.08
    • TDBank: $2,000.89
    • Total: $62,490.73
      • +/- from last meeting: $183.98
      • LOPSA Balance: $51,405.02
      • CasITConf Balance: $11,085.71

  • Summary of expenditures since last report:
    • Budgeted operational expenses
  • Summary of income since last report:
    • Membership dues
  • Outstanding assets
  • Outstanding liabilities
    • Cascadia accounts payable ($750.00)

  • Top priorities
    • Cascadia: accounts payable, accounts receivable, contract for next year
    • Budget
    • Scott Koch refund
    • Transition bank accounts
    • 2013 990
    • 2014 990
    • Assuming HootSuite charges

Matt Stated he would be out of town until July 31st and asked if anyone needed something paid out to let him know before he goes out of town.

William asked why the 2013 IRS 990 form was not completed. Matt replied that Evan did not complete that form and he (Matt) was trying to catch up with getting in required forms. Matt is working on a way in Quick Books to make the filling out of the 990s and easier process. The 990s and the Budget are long manual processes. He plans to get the 990s completed before the Face to Face and also to have the correct fields put into Quick Books to make the process easier for non financial minded people that handle the treasurers position.

Ski offered to help Matt to get it accomplished. Matt replied that he will contact Ski if he needs help when he returns from his trip.

Membership report (VanDevender)

  • See CiviCRM
  • Previous Month:
    • New: 15 (9 students)
    • Renew: 4 (0 students)
    • Lapsed: 33
  • Month to Date:
    • New: 3 (2 students)
    • Renew: 1 (0 students)
    • Lapsed: 8
  • Total: 652 (485 paying)

Conference/events activities report (Bilancio)

Nothing to report

Lisa'15 (Kacoroski)

Nothing to report

Local Chapter Committee report (Bilancio)

Nothing to report

Development report (Kacoroski)

Nothing to report

Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (Kacoroski)

Ski will be sending out an email about the SysAdmin Day contest and the LOPSAGram will be going out.

Thomas asked if there were any updates on the SySadmin Day contest. Ski answered that there has been no responses yet to the contest. Ski will promote the contest again and also post a message about it in the IRC channel.

Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

Technical Services Report (Bilancio)

Philip and William are working out issues with the mailing lists. William is making notes on the conversion to gmail from our regular service.

Steve asked about issues with members not getting their emails from our system and also our emails are getting put into SPAM folders on the recipients ends. William asked Steve to put a ticket into the Tech Team's RT Queue so the team can look into the issue.

Mentorship Report (Beech)

We're ALIVE!!! (slightly over dramatic)

Craig and Ed are back up and running. We've started putting Mentor/Protege's together.

We've also started the process of getting people to work on the automation project. We have two volunteers and there will be a meeting on Wednesday to get requirements together.

The goal is to have it developed as a plugin for our website so that we can have better, and tighter integration.

Amy and Simon have decided to leave the team. Craig has been stepping up and handling the project. We have gained a few volunteers to help work on the automation.

Leadership Committee (Kacoroski)

Nothing to report

Expenses for Face to Face (Beech)

Proposal for allocation of expenses:

  1. Each director, at the outset, is entitled to up to $500 expenses coverage for the F2F meeting
  2. Unclaimed amounts (e.g. when directors claim less than $500 or donate their expenses) go into a pool
  3. The pool is divided equally to the Directors who spent more than $500 (up to the total amount in their expense report)

I also believe that we should look at the total number for board members to travel. But, that should probably go into next years budget.

George asked if a motion is needed. Dan stated that a motion is not needed as it is in the budget. Dan recommended that the dollar figure per director not be used and that the amount for meeting costs be divided equally amongst the directors as needed in case in future years we get a sponsor to cover part or all of the costs.

John states that he thought we always divided up the cost amongst those board members and it is sensible to him to divide the money to try and satisy everyone's cost.

Ski is for this. In the past he would just do a donation in kind for what was not covered.

William agreed with Dan's statement toward the motion.

With no objections Dan recommended that this be discussed at the Face to Face meeting with the board members.

Matt stated it looks like there might be $750 allocated for travel. He let those traveling to keep that number in mind.

Dan will search through the Wiki for any reference to this and get back to the Board.

Dan mentioned that the budgeted amount included $600 for the cost of the meeting room. John stated that the meeting room cost this year is under $300.

Next Agenda item... (NAME)

New Business

First new item...



Matt Disney moved for adjournment William Seconded