Board meeting Minutes/13 Jun 2016

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23 May 2016
Board meeting Minutes Next:
27 Jun 2016

Minutes approved: 27 Jun 2016

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) ? Ski Kacoroski (chair), Steve VanDevender, John Boris, Matt Disney,George Beech, Thomas Uphill, Atom Powers

Paul English
9:03 PM Eastern Time
9:43 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Disney, Kacoroski)

  • Balance info
    • Wells Fargo Checking: $6,536.00
    • Wells Fargo Savings: $50.00
    • BoA Account: $32,140.60
    • PayPal Account: $3,335.68
    • TDBank: $2,001.53
    • Total: $44,063.81
      • +/- from last report: -$18,612.00
      • LOPSA Balance: (TBD)
      • CasITConf Balance: (TBD)

  • Summary of expenditures since last report:
    • Cascadia accounts payable checks cleared
    • LOPSA-East cancellation check to Hyatt cleared
    • Peer1 backlog of expenses since CC change
  • Summary of income since last report:
    • Membership dues

  • Top priorities
    • Wells Fargo bank account documentation in the wiki
    • CasITConf accounts payable (LOPSA balance)
    • CasITConf accounts receivable
    • Transition bank accounts
    • 2014 990
    • Assuming HootSuite charges
    • Finances committee charter
    • Locals financial management
    • Disney reimbursement for bank account transitional charges

  • Misc:
    • Peer1 account lapsed due to CC transition, very sorry.
    • Do we have outstanding LOPSA-East liabilities?
      • None as of this meeting.
    • Thomas needs to be paid for stickers he purchased for CasITconf. He was told to submit the bill to Matt for payment.

Membership report (VanDevender)

  • Total active members: 691 (previous report: 690, change: 1)
  • Paying: 446 (5 new in last 30 days)
  • Non-paying: 245 (21 new in last 30 days)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

Committee reports

Conferences/Events/Chapters activities report (Powers)

LOPSA-NJ (Boris)

The June meeting for LOPSA-NJ had about 25 attendees. Joe Youn and Mike Stoppay introduced themselves as the new organizers for LOPSA-NJ. I spoke to the attendees about LOPSA-East and LOPSA-NJ. I expressed my thanks to William for what he has done to keep the group together and moving and we did not want his efforts to go to waste. I restated what the Board's intent was to do with Locals going forward and emphasized that the Board is there to support the local in any way possible. I explained what our goal was for a conference in this area. As the oldest Local in LOPSA we (the Board) don't want this to fail.

After the meeting I spoke with Joe and Mike and here are their concerns:

  1. They would like to have a LOPSA-NJ email address that is forwarded to their emails. ex.
  2. Possible moving of the mailing list from William to handled by LOPSA. Only so it has continuity and to release the burden of William having to handle something he is a distant part of.
  3. Keep the meetup for now but look to something that is not a monetary burden on the group.
  4. Bring the Group talks back to technical and invigorating talks. They recognize this is a tough thing to do and this is where the Speakers Bureau will be a big plus.
  5. Possible moving the meeting site. The use of the Lawrenceville Library may be tied to William living in Lawrenceville and may cause an issue going forward. Possibly having meetings at multiple locations at different months.
  6. Joe will survey the lopsa-nj mailing list for feedback of members demographics and ideas for talk topics.

All in all it was a great meeting and I think the members that were there left with a better understanding of the organization and the board.

I did receive a comment from a few that they felt the Board was doing a great job in making LOPSA a better organization.

At the end of the meeting two members came to me asking:

  1. if they could volunteer to help on the financial committee
  2. if we contact local Educational Institutions as the few he is in contact with have not heard of LOPSA.

On the above questions I submitted the one volunteer's information to the Board for consideration and the other I have his email which I will contact to get the schools he is talking to reach out to them as to what we have to offer.

LOPSA-East (Boris)

Met with LOPSA-NJ new Organizers Jou Youn and Mike Stoppay and discussed rebooting LOPSA-East. I will be setting up a meeting (online) with them and whoever wants to be on the call from the board to discuss more items. I am planning on going to Montclair University in JUly to scope out the venue and possibilities.

  • They agree to change the name
  • Possible new site of Montclair State University
    • June Date as school is empty between Sessions
    • No cost for Rooms
    • Free A/V and Internet/WiFi
    • Local to NJ Transit
      • Shuttle service from train station coinciding with Arrival/departures
    • Close proximity to New York
    • Food Service on site
      • Go basic on Lunch and Break items
  • Shoot for 100 Attendees
  • Reach out to prominent members of the community who helped in the past
  • Local Hotels to choose from
  • Friday Night at Hotel with small function as before (Bag Stuffing Party)
  • Saturday Conference 8 AM - 5 PM
  • One Key note
  • Vendor display area will double as Break area

They will get back to me with dates and contacts. I suggest we setup a meeting with them online in late July with the Conference committee and hopefully to announce the conference in the September/October time frame.

Lisa'16 (Uphill)

  • George will be talking at LISA
  • John will be there
  • Ski is most likely going
  • The Office Manager will have to handle the sign up genius for manning the table.
Yerkes Award

Education (Kacoroski, Boris)

No Report

Speakers Bureau (Powers, English)

No Report

Marketing/Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (English, Uphill)

Technical Services Report (Beech, VanDevender)

No update Need to follow up with Dan about the stuff that is in flux

Mentorship Report (Boris, Beech)

  • (Boris) Craig Constantine is willing to champion the revamping of the Mentorship Process. More info when he gets
  • (Craig's Comments)
    • Have the Board charge me with “rebuild the LMP system”. Tell me to whom I report. We’ll pick a deadline for submission of a plan.
    • I’ll be a lightening rod to work up a set of “user stories” -- simple narratives explaining all the use cases that need to exist. I’ll work up a basic list of features. Just a plain-English, high-level description of the thing. This is then reviewed (and presumably modified or approved.)
    • Next I’ll scope out each part of the thing. So for example: The plan says there’s a database? ...what is that? ...where does it run? ...who installs it? Plan says there are web forms, how are they written, where are they installed? etc. This will reveal what resources are needed. We’ll review what resources we need — which are available in-house (assign/grant them), which can we drum up from member volunteers, and which (if any) do we need to outsource.
    • The obvious last step is then to implement it, which will amount to me overseeing each of those resources.
  • George wants to support Craig. We should allow Craig to step in. We should put it on hold right now and rebuild it so it can be handled properly.
  • George will reach out to Craig to get a starting point.
  • Ski asked if we had our Office Manager handle it for now handling two mailing lists.
  • John Suggested we setup a meeting with Craig and get moving on this.
  • Atom suggested we keep it a simple setup when we rebuild it.
  • A consensus was met on leaving the requirement to be a LOPSA Member to be a protoge

Recognition (Uphill, Disney)

Sysadmin Day

Leadership Committee (Warner, Kacoroski)

The Election is moving along. Ski will update the Website.

Regus Account

The Regus account is setup and we are in the process of filing paperwork and then will have mail forwarded. I will be sending a few test mails to see how it works. I have setup all Mail coming for

  • Membership to go to Steve
  • Treasurer to go to Matt
  • President to go to Ski
  • All other email to come to me

Mail will be sent out Weekly. We pay the postage.

Community Manager ... (Ski)

At I have a list of tasks to get Heather started with us. If this looks good, I can start the training this week. Also, under the board docs folder I have created a Community Manager folder that we will share with her to share documents with her.

  • The consensus of the board was to have Ski work with her from the tasks in the Google Doc.
  • Matt suggested she attend the Face to Face. The Board agreed to this.

Board Channel on Slack

  • George has obtained control of the Board Slack channel from Mark. He contacted Slack about the LOPSA Channel and it is owned by someone and in a few months if the traffic is still dead we will get control of that board.
  • Atom is concerned about IRC and XMPP integration.
  • The consensus of the Board is to go with Slack instead of IRC for now and see how it works.
  • The Meetup would be another item for the Occie Manager to handle.

Meetup for SASAG

  • Thomas reported that SASAG was losing their site and they were thinking of going to meetup. This was discussed at an earlier meeting that LOPSA would get a meetup Pro account and offer this to our Locals. This was approved at an earlier meeting.
  • George suggested that SASAG be the first Local to go with this.
  • George suggested a contact to the Tech team for LOPSA to support SASAG on services they are losing and we can provide.

New Business

No New Business



 Thomas Motioned for Adjournment
 John Seconded