Board meeting Minutes/19 February 2007

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12 February 2007
Board meeting Minutes Next:
26 February 2007

Minutes approved: 26 February 2007

Tom Perrine (chair), Trey Harris, Andrew Hume, Stephen Potter, Pat Wilson (note taker), Sam Albrecht
Doug Hughes, David Parter
20:17 Eastern Time
20:50 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Board Committees

  • Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
    • Wilson - Follow up on LISA discussion with BlueArc - DONE will need to wait for BlueArc to give gohead
  • Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
    • Palmer - Contact local office of possible partner - no report
    • Barr, Albrecht - Contact SCALE regarding future cooperation [due 2/19] - not done now due 2/26.
  • Leadership Committee (Esther Filderman)
  • Policy Committee (Harris)
  • Communications Committee
    • Perrine - Follow up with SysAdmin Magazine regarding volunteers for online answer folks - in progress see the wiki page for background and possible formats; Perrine to talk further with SA Mag

  • Membership Committee
    • Albrecht - Work on different instances of member renewal letters - not done
    • Parter - Send a note to the prospects gathered at LISA - no report
    • Hughes, Parter - Implement member opt-out of non-LOPSA mailings - not done

Program Committees

  • Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
    • Wilson - Ask Obejas for a SCALE summary report - DONE
  • Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
  • Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
    • Palmer, Potter - Draft a plan regarding how a paid/compensated content director might help the website, and what sort of requirements we might make for that position - no action
  • Locals Committee (Perrine)
    • Need feedback on the more detailed "locals program including the "Locals kit". Other than fleshing out the "kit" it should be nearly done.


  • Financial
    • Hume - Provide at Dec 2006 Treasurer's report writeup for the Board and for the web site - not done
  • Albrecht:
    • Provide status on IRS 501.c.3 status - in progress now due 3/12
    • Query insurance company regarding possible member insurance options [due 2/12] - in progress
    • Follow up on JobTarget "unlimited" category definiton - DONE

MOTION by Wilson, seconded by Potter to approve pricing as set out in the pricing document. Passes

  • Barr:
    • talk to MIT spam people - no report
    • php-list(?) mailer integration into Drupal - no report
  • Harris:
    • Set up wiki for Resume Standards project [due 2/12] - DONE
    • Write up a list of needs for the Resume Standards project - DONE
    • Present draft financial policies for Board approval (low priority) - not done
    • Gather material for Halprin request [2/26] - not done
  • Hughes:
    • Work with Frisch, Chalup, Halprin, Barr on resume resources skeleton/framework (should have status by mid February) [due 2/19] - in progress
  • Hume:
    • Chat with SNIA regarding possible partnering - not done
    • Reconvene Code of Ethics review committee - not done
  • Palmer:
  • Parter:
  • Perrine:
    • Perrine will work with Sam and Michele on "CONVERSION" of visitors to members - 'in progress Starting 2/19, first emails to go out by 3/5
  • Potter:
    • Draft a new charter for the combined Development/Partnership committee - in progress
  • Wilson:
  • All:

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (first meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
    • See the online report for this week's status
  • Online report

The website had a couple of short (<30 minute) outages this week. One (at least) was due to very short notice datacenter power manipulations.

  • Sysadmin Days report

Philly is on hold. We're waiting to hear from the organizers of the other event about possible cooperative opportunities.

  • Development report
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Linuxfest Northwest?

Wilson will try to determine whether there's enough member interest to staff a booth.


MOTION to adjourn by Harris, seconded by Hume Passes; adjourned at 20:50ET