Board meeting Minutes/21 February 2011

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7 February 2011
Board meeting Minutes Next:
7 March 2011

Minutes approved: 7 March 2011

Subject to verification Philip Kizer (chair), Lois Bennett, William Bilancio, Ski Kacoroski, Jimmy Kaplowitz, Jesse Trucks
Dan Rich, Matthew Barr
8:04pm Eastern Time
8:35pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
    • Still need to make an AH payment. Have around 10K in the bank.
  • Membership report
    • 15 new members (possibly some renewals because report does not distinguish between new and renewal), still not growing very much. This doesn't include the Cascadia conference attendees.
  • Technical services report
    • William will work with Doug on server items and then get back on track to getting -002 ready for upgrade.
    • Tried to get help with RT, but no volunteers. Jesse asked about possibly calling for volunteers from general population, not just Tech list. We do need more volunteers.
  • Conference/events activities report
    • Cascadia has 58 registered paying people (both 1/2 day to full conference).
    • PICC just put out schedule (8 training courses) and already have one registration.
    • SCALE have 21 people registered for SCALE U (this is better than last year).
  • Development report
    • We need to find corporate sponsors. Some contacts with Cambridge and other companies along with non-montary sponsors (e.g. ACM). We need to work more on this.
  • Mentorship
    • Committee still meeting. Seems to in post holiday lull. Kind of in a holding pattern as the leaders are pretty busy. Need to do an assessment to see which are the next steps. They would like RT to be upgraded, which is waiting on the website upgrade. Unaware of any other success stories yet.
  • LOPSAgram
    • Document on google docs that folks can start adding things to. Need to add thing from leadership committee, PICC.

Cascadia IT conf raffle sponsor (Ski)

The Cascadia IT conference committee is wondering if LOPSA wants to chip in a bit on a sponsorship for the Raffle. William will follow up on this. We will send some shirts. Philip had idea to see if we can get a company to donate to this. Ski will start a LOPSA doc on who we talked to. Ski had idea to extend this to user groups. Need to make sure we talk to OReilly and No Starch Press.

LinuxfestNW Sponsorship (Ski)

Last year we sponsored them ($250) and got 5 new members and some press. Do we want to do it again? Decided that we will do this again (Ski will donate the $250).

New Business

First new item...



A motion made by Jesse seconded by Lois to adjourn at 8:35pm Eastern Time Jesse, lois second 8:35pm