Board meeting Minutes/21 Oct 2013
Prior: 7 Oct 2013 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 18 Nov 2013 |
Minutes approved: 2 Dec 2013after
- NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
- Unspecified
- Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
- Present
- (Subject to verification) Dan Rich (chair), William Bilancio,John Boris, Ski Kacoroski, Evan Pettrey, Martin Gehrke
- Apologies
- Matt Simmons, Matt Disney, Mike Julian
- Opened
- 8:01 PM Eastern Time
- Closed
- 8:45 PM Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approval minutes of 9 Sep 2013 moved to next meeting
- Approval minutes of 23 Sep 2013 moved to next meeting
- Approval minutes of 7 Oct 2013 moved to next meeting
- Motion submitted via electronic mail on 9 October 2013:
Matt Simmons Motioned -- I move that we spend up to $200 on images for LOPSA marketing materials. Seconded by Evan Motion passed unanimously on 9 October 2013
Action Items
Board members are reminded to review their open tickets in RT and update their status.
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report
We are current on our liabilities
- Membership report
- Conference/events activities report
LOPSA-East committee started to meet every two weeks. Evan Pettrey and Adam Levin are the co-chairs. The conference has a more volunteers than any previous conference.
CASCADIA has sent out their CFP packages. Their web site is almost ready to go live.
LISA is the next big event.
- Local Chapter Committee reporting
The meetings seem to be a bit stalled but it will be scheduled. Atlanta had an online meeting and sent us some information but it looks like they have enough meetings to get out of provisional status.
- Development report
- CA is a Gold Sponsor. They do want some advertising, but so far we are working it out.
- OReilly has offered to become a sponsor and give each member a free eBook each year. This would qualify them for a bronze sponsorship and if all of our members take advantage of this offer we could possibly bump them to a Gold Sponsorship.
- Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc)
- Plan to send out email to members tonight talking about the CA and O'Reilly sponsorships. Also the email will contain info on LISA and a call for more volunteers for LISA.
- CA & OReilly sponsorships
- Plan to send out email to members tonight talking about the CA and O'Reilly sponsorships. Also the email will contain info on LISA and a call for more volunteers for LISA.
- Project Management report
- All project owners need to enter tasks and milestones for their projects.
- Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
- Technical Services Report (William)
The tech team is getting ready to install Drupal 7 development site. The TSC is doing its normal tweaks to the systems.
- Mentorship Report (John)
- The Core team met last Tuesday (15 October). They discussed the Mentorship BoF at LISA. They are working on the presentation for the BoF and are looking for some prizes for their raffle. Amy got a LISA pass for a few days and they would like to have a few T Shirts for the raffle. I mentioned that Ski was working on getting some prizes. They also asked about a Tech Pass for Cascadia and LOPSA-East which I again told them how the conferences work but would ask. Last year they had a Pass for each of these conferences.
- Leadership Committee (Ski)
- Mario is putting together a revised committee. He has two people so far and waiting to hear from others. He and Ski plan to meet at LISA and talk more about the LC
- Mentorship Report (John)
Final LISA'13 Items... (Ski)
- Raffle items for Annual Mtg and Mentorship from NoStarch, OReilly, ACNC, Philip, and Puppet. Still waiting to hear back from Cascadia and LOPSA-East
- Dan is working on Annual Mtg Presentation
- We could use more help at the table
- William is working on ribbons, literature, and Yerkes award
- Nothing from tech-team (MattOH on changes to URL for membership checks)
- MattS is setting up meeting with the Usenix board
- We need tickets for LOPSA After Dark (100 total) It will probably after the Town Hall meeting and the folks at the Mentorship BoF will join at the end of that BoF.
- Ski will update the volunteer guide sheet
- We should have a breakfast meeting on 11/7 as that is when the entire board (other than MattD and Martin? will be around). I heard that is good
LOPSA Educational Leadership - SkillsUSA (Evan)
The following would be required from a commitment perspective:
- Time Commitments
- Phone call/Webinar to review what went right/wrong with previous year's contes
- In January/February another phone call/webinar to discuss needs and share the stations for input with the committee
- First week of March - Two-day planning meeting at site of championships (below)
- Championships - ~1 week at site of competition (2014 in Kansas City, MO and 2015 in Louisville, KY)
- Cost Commitments (note, these are all estimated on the high end so it could be cheaper)
- 2-day Planning Meeting
- Hotel - ~$500
- Flight - ~$300
- Meals - ~$100
- Total - $900
- Championship Competition
- Hotel - ~$1,500
- Flight - ~$300
- Meals - ~$300
- Total - ~$2,100
- Awards (not required but I would recommend)
- Conference attendance for winner - ~$1,000
- TechExpo
- Table - Waiting on an answer for this but I believe <$500 (an actual booth would be more)
- Marketing Materials - ~$500
- Total - ~$5,000
There are a few training sessions in March that a person needs to attend and then the event. There were some concerns about the time commitment for LOPSA to attend but Matt Simmons has said he would be able to attend if we haven't found someone. It is suggested we look to sponsor the networking project.
The board consensus is that this effort would be beneficial for the organization. It is reasonable to budget for the event but we should look at this as well as other items we are budgeting for to make sure we do not over extend ourselves.
Proposal: I propose that we agree to budgeting roughly $5,000 to be used sponsoring SkillsUSA. No money will be fully committed until we have a full plan in place. William seconded this proposal The proposal passed without objection.
New Business
Ski motioned for adjournment Seconded by William Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM Eastern Time.