Board meeting Minutes/22 September 2009

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8 September 2009
Board meeting Minutes Next:
20 October 2009

Minutes approved: 20 October 2009

Trey Harris (chair), Derek Balling, Lois Bennett, Ski Kacoroski, Philip Kizer, Dan Rich, Deepa Solanki
David Parter, Jesse Trucks,
Travis Campbell,
20:37pm Eastern Time
21:30pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Record email motion: That the Membership Chair has the approval to implement the following membership discount promotions:
    9/21 - 9/27: LinuxCon and OLF Discounts. Join LOPSA during the LinuxCon or OLF conferences for $40 and get a free tee shirt.
    10/24-10/25: Two day sale. Join LOPSA during the ABLEconf conference weekend for $40 and get a free tee shirt.
    10/31 - 11/6: Join LOPSA during the LISA conference for $40 and get a free tee shirt.

Standing Reports

  • Executive Director's report
  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
    • ACTION ITEM; forward financials for April/May/June for wiki posting. - DONE
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Comp Memberships (Lois)

  • Discussion question can we consider offering comp membership for major volunteers who are known to be needy?
    • ACTION ITEM: Solanki to poll staff for their feedback.


  • Badge holders - Do we want to order LOPSA logo holders or can we use vertical ribbons that we have in stock.
  • Check ribbon stock esp "Board" ribbons

ACTION ITEM: Gentile to check ribbon stock and report back to board.

  • Need to order volunteer tees for LISA. Tee color pending.


  • Adjourned 9:30pm EST. Motioned by Harris. Seconded by Bennett.