Board meeting Minutes/23 July 2007
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Prior: 16 July 2007 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 5 August 2007 |
Minutes approved: 5 August 2007
- Present
- Tom Perrine (chair), Trey Harris, Doug Hughes, Andrew Hume, David Parter, Stephen Potter, Pat Wilson (note taker), Sam Albrecht
- Apologies
- Matthew Barr, Chris Palmer
- Opened
- 20:06 Eastern Time
- Closed
- 20:43 Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 16 July 2007 Consent agenda passes.
Action Items
Board Committees
- Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
- Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
- Leadership Committee (Esther Filderman)
- Policy Committee (Harris)
- Communications Committee
- Membership Committee
- Hughes - Set up retention-rate report - not done
- Hughes, Parter - Implement an appropriate opt-out mechanism for member opt-out policy - not done now due Aug 5th
Program Committees
- Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
- Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
- Perrine - Organize Sysadmin Day 2007 site update - in progress Sysadmin Appreciation day is July 27th
- Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
- Albrecht - See if there are any other leads on CMP site content - in progress
- Financial
- Albrecht:
- Provide status on IRS 501(c)(3) status. - no news
- Barr:
- Harris:
- Present draft financial policies for Board approval (low priority) - not done
- Hughes:
- Work with Frisch, Chalup, Halprin, Barr on consultant resources skeleton/framework [due 6/11] - not done
- Contact Gilbert Wilson about work-pay ideas - no response drop this one
- Hume:
- Reconvene Code of Ethics review committee - in progress waiting for response
- Palmer:
- Generate an email motion regarding the recommended Certificate of Amendment - no report may be waiting on Albrecht for details
- Parter:
- Perrine:
- Potter:
- Wilson:
- All:
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
- Membership report
- See the report online for this week's status
There seems to be some discrepancy between the summary table and the graph - Parter and Hughes will look into this. Recent upward surge may be due to the conversion letters now going out.
- Online report
- Sysadmin Days report
Registrations continue to come in, with more expected. The Crossbow group is working on nailing down the training at other upcoming venues.
- Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
- Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)
New Business
Aug 5th meeting
Wiki page has been put up; Albrecht will draft an agenda. Staff is working on the attendee list; it appears that most of the old and new Boards will be attending in person.
First revenue from JobTarget has appeared.
No meeting on July 30th.
MOTION to adjourn by Harris, seconded by Potter Passes; adjourned at 20:43 ET