Board meeting Minutes/24 Jan 2017
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Prior: 10 Jan 2017 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 7 Feb 2017 |
Minutes approved: 7 Feb 2017
- NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
- Unspecified
- Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
- Present
- (Subject to verification) George Beech (chair),Ski Kacoroski, Steve VanDevender, Paul English,Brian Globerman,Atom Powers
- Apologies
- Scott Suehle, Thomas Uphill
- Guests
- ?
- Opened
- Closed
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 10 Jan 2017 Minutes approved: 10 Jan 2017
Standing Reports
Treasurer's report (Brian)
Balance Info:
- BoA Accounts: $33,184.17
- PayPal Account: $14,725.60
- Total: $47,909.87 +/- from last report (01/10/2017): -$77.17
Action Items: Pending
- Spoke with CPA Peter Sayah of Clothier Sayah & Willsey, LLC about getting IRS Form 990 filings up to date. He has prepared a proposal for getting back-tax years 2014, 2015 filed, and for filing 2016 taxes when time comes:
- Approximately $700 per tax year (range is $600 - $800 based on $240/hr)
- Back-tax years require $1400 retainer ($700 x 2)
- Advantage of using this CPA is he is close to my office and it would be easier to work with him than doing remotely
- Potential total cost is $1800 - $2400 for tax years 2014 - 2016. Requesting Board approval for this expenditure.
- MOTION: Ski: Spend $2400 getting our taxes up to date
- SECOND: Atom
- Motion passes unanimously
Membership report (VanDevender)
- Total active members: 665 (previous report: 672, change: -7)
- Paying: 394 (6 new in last 30 days)
- Non-paying: 271 (7 new in last 30 days)
Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.
Committee reports
Conferences/Events/Chapters activities report (Powers)
LOPSA Cascadia 2017 Mar 10-11 (Kacoroski,Uphill,Globermann,English,Powers)
- Registration is now open. Ski is concerned about getting enough sponsors and attendees.
- Steve agreed to be co-chair and run Cascadia next year
- Option to hire marketing firm for around $2500 to place and do A/B testing on Facebook and LinkedIn ads. If they get 5 additional 2 day registrations we break even.
- MOTION: Atom: We spend $2500 on this firm for Marketing Cascadia.
- All are in favor.
LOPSA East 2017 (Ski)
- Someone needs to talk to the folks that John knew and see if this is going to happen.
(George) I plan to be at the Feb 3 LOPSA-NJ meeting, and will talk with them and see where everything is
- Steve: domain expired
SCALE 2017 Mar 3 - 5th (Ski)
- Do we want to staff a booth. For Ski to attend 3 days/2 nights of the expo is around $800 - $900. I am more than willing to have someone else go this year.
- MOTION: Atom - spend the money on Scale
- SECOND: Steve
- all are in favor, passed.
- Brian will look at table setup to make sure we've got what we need for SCALE
- Some may have ended up at John's house - George is communicating with the family about picking it up.
LinuxFestNW May 6 - 7th (Ski)
- Do we want to staff a booth - Yes. Paul will apply for (free, 'community' booth), and can staff the booth part of the time.
- Paul will ask Thomas about staffing the booth.
Education (on hold)
Speakers Bureau (on hold)
Marketing/Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (English, Uphill)
- There's always the next LOPSAgram looking for content.
- We need ALL the Marketing help for CASIT now. Please contact Paul or (?Ski?,Thomas?,Scott?) if you can:
- create a spreadsheet/csv of Social posts (eg: "See So-and-So, speaking at CASIT about Such-and-Such. Register here: <>") that we can queue up to post.
- cut/paste post to various email lists, bulletin boards, MeetUp groups etc. -> There's a Google Docs spreadsheet so you can just jump right in, but please contact someone and ask how you can help if you aren't comfortable with jumping in.
Technical Services Report (Beech, VanDevender)
Mentorship Report (Beech)
Craig Constantine officially stepped down. We'll need to fill that role, I'll see what I can do over the next few weeks to move mentorhsip forward.
Recognition (Uphill, Disney)
Leadership Committee (Warner, Kacoroski)
- Need to decide what to do with John's seat. Options are:
- Leave it open for 7 months
- Find past board member
- Find person who has been interested in the board to take it over
Next Agenda item... (NAME)
New Business
First new item...
Steve VanDevender Motioned for Adjournment Brian Globerman Seconded