Board meeting Minutes/24 Oct 2011
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Prior: 10 Oct 2011 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 7 Nov 2011 |
Minutes approved: 7 Nov 2011
- Present
- (Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), Ski Kacoroski, William Bilancio (table), Dan Rich, Matt Disney, Lois Bennett,
- Apologies
- Nadine Miller, Chris St. Pierre, Jesse Trucks
- Opened
- 09:05pm Eastern Time
- Closed
- 10:09pm Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 10 Oct 2011
Action Items
See RT Board Queue
RT Ticket Status User Open tickets by queue Totals Board Customer S General Membership Mentorship Tech Team Website Unassigned 4 13 1 1 4 3 26 drich 7 1 1 9 jessetruck 2 2 lois 13 1 14 mharlow 5 5 nickanders 6 6 pckizer 4 4 ski 8 8 stpierre 3 3 wbilancio 12 1 7 20 zodic 4 4 Totals 53 14 1 1 12 10 10 101
- MANY tickets that are weeks old with no owners....
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report
- Plan to send check to AH for debt payment
- Bank account is looking healthy and expenses are low
- Membership report
- See CiviCRM
- 61 lapsed members last quarter, 15 in Oct
- Need to contact lapsed members to figure out why they are not renewing.
- Membership is stable, but barely growing. Too many folks are not renewing.
- Dan looking into reports for membership over time to see what our trends are.
Membership Summary (counts are new / renewed / total) Members by Type Sep Oct (MTD) 2011 (YTD) Current # Individual 12 / 2 / 14 6 / 3 / 9 284 / 47 / 331 570 Student 1 / 0 / 1 0 / 0 / 0 16 / 1 / 17 37 Honorary 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 0 / 0 0 Charter 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 2 / 2 1 / 21 / 22 141 Founding 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 1 / 1 13 Complimentary 0 / 0 / 0 0 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 1 1 Totals (all types) 13 / 2 / 15 6 / 5 / 11 302 / 70 / 372 762
- Technical services report
- No major projects. Working on forums on development site.
- now linked into gravatar for images of people.
- Conference/events activities report
- 6 classes for SCALE. Needs two more classes. Ski suggested instructor that he is using for Cascadia.
- PICC has two media sponsors already. Call for papers is ready to go out.
- Cascadia working on trainers and sponsors. Call for papers is out.
- He ordered new LOPSA stickers for conferences and events. Plans to order table clothes with our Logo on it.
- Printers are giving us a good deal and storing our stuff (LOPSA, PICC, and Cascadia). They will ship directly to conferences as needed.
- Mentorship Status report
- Kind of slow right now. Hoping that LISA will be a push and get us some more publicity. They are hoping to set up a mentorship BOF at LISA.
- Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
- Idea to try and get some media sponsors for LOPSA.
- Upcoming LOPSAgram (last meeting of the month only)
- Looking for more ideas for it. It will be going out on time.
- Upcoming LOPSA Live
- Think of topics for LOPSA Live or LOPSAgram
- Decided to delay LOPSA Live for one week
Intern... (Ski)
- I talked with Mary and she is booked until January after classes end. If we still have the position open after that, she is very interested.
- She is working very well for Cascadia. The idea is to use her to respond to members about membership issues.
- Lois/William need to figure out about how to pay her.
- Up to Ski to see if he can find someone sooner. We have work, but it takes time to find a person.
- Discussed idea of setting up school credit for the internship.
Global Meet Affinity Program (Ski)
I noticed that several of the vendors I was working with use GlobalMeet for audio conferencing so I called them to see if they would be willing to help LOPSA out. What they offered was $0.05/minute for LOPSA calls (assuming 9 folks, 60 minutes 2x a month this is $54/month) and a 5% kick back on services that LOPSA members purchase from them (this could be nice if a large company signs up). I am not too sure if we should do this.
- Decided to hold off on this one for now.
- Need to get list of what we really need from a conference call (wiki page). Ski will work on this.
- Need to get off the free ones as they are just not doing it for us.
Sponsorships (Kizer)
- Review any progress on sponsorships
- Remind about some of the existing locations where we have been brainstorming sponsorship possibilities: Potential_prospects
- Pre-proposal discussion of sponsorship volunteers/staff
- William will have the sponsorship page updated. We also need to put it on the Front page of the website and possibly send out an email to the membership.
- Dan needs ideas for similar organizations in the RT ticket he is using to track benefits.
- Dan set us up in Guidestar and a non-profit in need of grants
Next Agenda item... (NAME)
New Business
- Set up wiki and mail list for Tom Perrine and the leadership committee
- Decided on Yerkes award winner
- Lois will attend the education workshop at LISA and see if she can jump start LOPSA's education efforts.
Dan moved that we adjourn at 10:09pm, William seconded.