Board meeting Minutes/26 July 2010

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12 July 2010
Board meeting Minutes Next:
9 August 2010

Minutes approved: 9 August 2010

Philip Kizer (chair), Lois Bennett, William Bilancio, David Parter, Dan Rich
Derek Balling, Ski Kacoroski, Jimmy Kaplowitz, Jesse Trucks
20:12 Eastern Time
21:02 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

New LOPSAgram Editor (BENNETT)

Robert Au has agreed to edit the LOPSAgram. We agreed to try it out for a couple of months. He will do copy editing not chasing or creating content so we will still need to generate news and put it in his hands in a timely manner. The part I have trouble with is out of my hands. He did some editing on the July LOPSAgram that just went out. I propose that we formally create the position "LOPSAgram Editor" and appoint Robert Au to that role. There will need to be a board member to be communications chair to coordinate with him and to approve and send the final document.

Mentorship Progress report. (BENNETT)

LMPT had a meeting Friday 7/23 via conference call. We made good progress. We have a working description of the near term plan and we have established the mailing lists and aliases we need and I have populated the mailing lists and sent out an initial message.


Lee Damon is interested in doing a SA conference in the Seattle area. I have sent him a copy of the PICC proposal and a copy of the budget. We need to discuss what our role will be and AH's.

Preparation for officer election and discuss other volunteer needs (Kizer)

It is the time of year according to our bylaws to determine which of the board members will be the officers for the coming year. We will have a very brief review of the positions in preparation of voting during the next conference call. The review will mostly be the charges for those officers and what delegation they need so that we can get out a good call for volunteers.

New Business

In Person Meeting

We have decided on a date/time/place, time for everyone to book their travel/hotel to attend.



Bennet moved and Rich seconded a motion to adjourn at 21:02