Board meeting Minutes/26 June 2006
Prior: 19 June 2006 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 10 July 2006 |
Minutes approved: 10 July 2006
- Present
- Tom Perrine (chair), Matthew Barr, Doug Hughes, Andrew Hume, Chris Palmer, David Parter, Stephen Potter, Pat Wilson (note taker), Sam Albrecht
- Apologies
- Trey Harris
- Opened
- 20:07 Eastern Time
- Closed
- 21:31 Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 19 June 2006
Consent agenda passes.
Action Items
Board Committees
- Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
- Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
- Albrecht, Wilson - Investigate "S" invitation to partner on event - DONE
MOTION: by Potter, seconded by Hughes to partner with Splunk on the Sysadmin of the Year project. Passes.
- Leadership Committee (Greg Rose)
- Policy Committee (Harris)
- Communications Committee
- Palmer - Write a press release regarding LOPSA's 500th member - DONE
- Parter - Contact the 500th member for comments for a "member profile" - not done
- Membership Committee
Program Committees
- Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
- Training event (Parter): see wiki
- mailing list setup
- Albrecht has several proposals from venues
- waiting for wiki
- Training event (Parter): see wiki
- Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
- Parter - Mailing lists/online forum - in progress - volunteer recruited
- Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
- Financial
- Hume - Prepare statement about AH payment [due 6/26] - no action
- Hume - prepare annual financial report [due 6/26] - no action
- Albrecht:
- Touch base with IRS [due 7/17]
- Barr:
- Harris:
- Post a description of the Resume Standards project - no report
- Present draft financial policies for Board approval - no report
- Hughes:
- Hume:
- Work with Usenix to pursuade them to sign a grant letter to the IRS
- Chat with the SNIA Chief Scientist regarding possible partnering - in progress; waiting for response
- Palmer:
- Parter:
- Perrine:
- Contact outreach project principal - not done now due 3 July
- Search for artistic design resource for outreach project - in progress
- Potter:
- Wilson:
- All:
- Consider sponsorship development opportunities in preparation for brainstorming [due 6/26]
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report (first meeting of the month only)
- Membership report
- See report for this week's status
- Online report
Sponsorship development
Deferred from 6/19
Discussion/brainstorming regarding developing new sponsors. See notes from 26 June 2006 meeting
Albrecht, Perrine, Potter, and Wilson will lead the project. Status reports will be given to the Board weekly.
Privacy Policy (Palmer)
Palmer presented a draft privacy policy, modeled on Usenix's. Consensus was that more work needed to be done, especially in regards to levels/layers of privacy (e.g., for a membership directory) and email forwarding (the ACM Privacy Policy might be a good example of the latter).
To be brought back for a vote at the next meeting.
Sysadmin issues
Need a couple of projects that address the mission (resume standards, standards index, tool catalog, etc). Brainstorming.
Deferred until next meeting (7/10).
ACTION ITEM: all Board members to brainstorm projects that focus on the mission, get members participating, and get some good press by doing good things. Post contributions to wiki by 8 July.
New Business
Proposal from usenix
Usenix inquired whether LOPSA would be interested in helping to promote the SAGE Salary Survey, launched sometime in the past month. After discussion, the Board decided to decline the invitation, though did not rule out cooperating with Usenix in another project at another time.
MOTION to adjourn by Hume, seconded by Barr. Passes.
Adjourned at 21:31 ET