Board meeting Minutes/26 Oct 2015
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Prior: 12 Oct 2015 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 23 Nov 2015 |
Minutes approved: 23 Nov 2015
- NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
- Unspecified
- Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
- Present
- (Subject to verification) Ski Kacoroski (chair), John Boris, Steve VanDevender , Atom Powers , Paul English,George Beech, Thomas Uphill
- Apologies
- William Bilancio, Matt Disney,
- Guests
- ?
- Opened
- 9:02 PM Eastern Time
- Closed
Consent Agenda
- Minutes of 12 Oct 2015 were approved
Action Items
See RT Board Queue
Standing Reports
Treasurer's report (Disney, Kacoroski)
Membership report (VanDevender, Bilancio)
- See CiviCRM
- Previous Month:
- New: 10 (6 students)
- Renew: 3 (0 students)
- Lapsed: 14
- Month to Date:
- New: 11 (8 students)
- Renew: 8 (1 students)
- Lapsed: 16
- Total: 633 (459 paying)
Committee reports
Conferences/Events/Chapters activities report (Bilancio, Powers)
LOPSA Cascadia
- Sponsor Prospectus is ready, needs to be advertised. (Paul?)
- CFP is ready, needs to be advertised. (Atom/Paul?)
Lisa'15 (Kacoroski, Uphill)
- Got a good collection of raffle gifts lined up.
- Jennifer Ash-Poole will be getting the cake
- Please see email for a draft of the literature that will be put into each attendees bag
- I need information for the Annual Meeting Presentation
Education (Kacoroski, Boris)
- Nothing to report
Speakers Bureau (Powers, English)
- Nothing to Report
Marketing/Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (English, Uphill)
- New Hootsuite account up, and others have access
- Refinement needed, as well as some basic instructions for use. I think access to everything but Twitter is going to end up being through individual accounts.
- More pre-LISA tweets queued up. Need still more. Anything we should be talking about? (currently covered: party + raffle, LOPSA members who are speaking at LISA)
Technical Services Report (Beech, VanDevender)
- Got up and running thanks to Dan and Philip
- Dan has the go ahead to move us to google apps at his convience. If you have any issues that are blocking we need to know ASAP
Mentorship Report (Boris, Beech)
- Still haven't been able to get with the Team or Automation team. I will try and get a meeting done by next week.
- Working on the Presentation for the Mentorship BoF
Recognition (Uphill, Disney)
Leadership Committee (Warner, Kacoroski)
- Nothing to report
Website... (Ski)
- Still on schedule. Everyone please figure on spending some time the first few week of November working on content for the site related to your committees.
- We should have beta2 done in a few days.
- We can put gadgets under the gray menu such as ads if we want (kind of like what Google does)
- Will be importing around 3099 members of which around 631 are active (will do final extract and import just before we go live). Then plan to email to everyone and after 2 weeks archive the ones who do not respond.
- Also will import 71 sponsors as contacts only.
LOPSA mailing list policy (Atom)
We need to have a policy around who can send what to the mailing list. Preferably a policy that encourages people to use our mailing list while limiting abuse and "free ride" uses. Is this something that falls under the Communications Committee?
Next Agenda item... (NAME)
New Business
First new item...
Thomas Motioned for Adjournment George Seconded