Board meeting Minutes/27 February 2018

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13 February 2018
Board meeting Minutes Next:
13 March 2018

Minutes approved: 10 April 2018

Andy Cowell (VP), Scott Suehle, Steve VanDevender, Drew Adams, Danielle White
George Beech, Brian Globerman, Aleksey Tsalolikhin
9:03 p.m. Eastern Time
9:25 p.m. Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Review minutes of 13 February 2018 -- no one had written them. We're tabling approval of minutes till they are ready.

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report

Brian's out, no treasurer's report this meeting.

Membership report (VanDevender)

  • Total active members: 625 (previous report: 652, change: -27, pending renewal: 44)
  • Paying: 299 (4 new in last 30 days)
  • Non-paying: 326 (11 new in last 30 days)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

The drop in membership from the previous report is likely due to the expiration of memberships from Cascadia 2017.

Committee reports

Conferences/Events/Chapters activities (Adams)

  • Drew may be able to provide some volunteers for the LOPSA booth at SCALE from the other booths he is running there.
  • Drew will try to connect with the SCALE organizers while at SCALE re getting LOPSA a booth at the other Linux fests that they organize.

Marketing/Communications (Tsalolikhin, Uphill)

Aleksey and Thomas are out - no report.

Drew found a candidate for the Community Manager position and will submit his resume to the board.

Technical Services (White)

No report from Danielle as she hasn't talked to Dan Rich recently.

Andy asked how to register an SSl cert as Tech Services said the Board usually takes care of that; Scott suggested that Andy ask Ski.

Education and Mentorship (Cowell)

The new mentoring program is nearly ready - it works but needs to be customized and moved to

Recognition (Beech)

No report as George is out.

Leadership Committee (Beech)

No report as George is out.

Scott will follow up with Trev to ensure that Trev has all the access he needs as the new head of the leadership committee.

Locals/Chapters Committee (Adams)

No report. Drew will get with Steve after the meeting to get access to Wild Apricot.


Drew committed to reaching out to Branson to get more detail re Branson's wiki proposal.


 Andy Motioned for Adjournment
 Scott Seconded