Board meeting Minutes/27 Jan 2014

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13 Jan 2014
Board meeting Minutes Next:
10 Feb 2014

Minutes approved: 10 Feb 2014

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Dan Rich (chair), William Bilancio, John Boris, Ski Kacoroski, Martin Gehrke, Mike Julian, Evan Pettrey, Matt Simmons,Matt Disney
8:02 PM Eastern Time
8:38 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of 13 Jan 2014 were approved without objection.

Action Items

From past LOPSA Board meetings (Q2 2013)

  • Status of additional Conferences: Tennessee (2015?), Madison (Wbilancio)

Tennessee will not be doing a conference and Madison as well will not be having a conference.

  • Status of additional Locals: Clemson (and others from LOPSA-EAST 2013)

We followed up on Clemson but nothing came from it.

  • Board task calendar with due dates: i.e. Sysadmin Day planning, i990 filing, budget creation, conference deadlines, conferences to attend/sponsor, etc. -- needs an owner

Matt Disney will take this on as a project.


  • Locals / National LOPSA relations - needs follow-up with the Locals committee

Martin will look into this and make an RT ticket on and will bring it to the Locals Committee's notice.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (Evan)

We are current with all of our liabilities.

  • Membership report
    • 16 new (8 students)
    • 5 renewals
    • 22 lapsed
    • 836 members (+4 from last month)
  • Conference/events activities report
    • SCALE is on with Florian teaching a class on Amazon EC2 Friday morning and Ski teaching a class on Time Management Fri afternoon. Ski and Dan will be manning a booth on Sat and Sun.
    • Cascadia has their schedule up and has opened for registration.
    • LOPSA-East extended their CFP until the middle of the week.
  • Local Chapter Committee report
    • Matt Disney forwarded an inquiry by J. Daniel Hypes who was interested in starting a local chapter in Morgantown.
    • See New Business Below
  • Development report
    • We have a new discount for members from Beanywhere a company that makes remote access software.
    • There will be a follow up to Puppet as they are due for renewal shortly.
  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc)
    • LOPSAGram has sent out its request for content.
  • Project Management report
    • No report - still need data in web2project
  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
    • Technical Services Report (Mike)
      • Working with Jesse on building a budget proposal. He has a deadline of February 17th for it, but this may still end up as a ballpark number. The website project is what is taking all of the time, in scoping and getting RFP responses back from potential vendors.
        • Note: (from Dan) The individual who did our initial branding guide is willing to work with us for a new design for free
          • (mjulian): Jesse is aware of that. He is doing the due diligence we would expect from a technical leader.
      • I'm collecting feedback about the TSC/tech-team and LOPSA infrastructure. You all have an email about. It'd be awesome if you could reply, if you haven't already.. The more feedback, the better.
    • Mentorship Report (John)
      • Nothing more to report. I need to know how we are coming with the LMPT getting their own domain in Google Apps and how the Budget is coming as they will be asking about the github account. The LMPT submitted a proposal for a Panel discussion at LOPSA-East that could carry over to the BoFs.
      • A ticket will be created in RT for the Tech Team to create the Domain in Google Apps.
      • The LMPT (Amy and Ed) still have not tried the Web2Project accounts yet.
    • LOPSA Professional Recognition (Matt Simmons)
      • Voting has commenced, and people are being contacted for follow-up information requests.
    • Leadership Committee (Ski)
      • Mario has the committee members set and it actively looking for board candidates. If you have any ideas, please send them to Mario at

Regular Chapter Status for LOPSA-SD (Martin)

1. Over our full year of existence we've had 37 unique people attend, 14 of whom are LOPSA members (enumerated in Board Email with a meeting high of 19.

2. Our primary goal is to foster community and knowledge sharing between sysadmin-type folk in the local area. We want to do this by meeting regularly to socialize and to present information to one another about current projects and research.

3. Our previous monthly meetings are listed on our Meetup page here:

4. We are not collecting local dues. In fact, we're gong to do everything we can not to deal with money.

Martin motions that LOPSA-SD be granted regular chapter status to LOPSA-SD. Seconded by Matt Simmons

Motion passed without objection.

Google Docs (Dan)

William asked about the Google Docs discussion that has been going on among the board. Dan explained that we need to have the Tech Team give us a reccomendation on Document management once we move to Drupal 7.

Matt Disney raised the question that the Board should not be dictating technical solutions. Dan agreed and said that we have a bigger issue with Drupal 7 and we need that resolved before we push for a document management solution. Matt Disney rephrased his statement that it is okay to have a backlog of work and if it doesn't get done then it gets addressed. Dan further explained that the problem with Google docs is transferring ownership. The board agrees that the big issue is ownership and that we will have to be able to transfer ownership of Docs as Board members leave and enter. The discussion went on and the consensus of the board is that a resolution for Document handling and ownership has to be resolved. This final decision on this was to table the discussion on Google docs until after April and to keep the mail migration on track.

Web Site Upgrade

Matt asked Mike to supply a description of what state the Drupal upgrade is at. Mike agreed and will supply that in time for the next meeting. Dan added that the person who did the original Style guide is willing to work with us on the new theme.

New Business

No new business



William Motioned for adjournment and John Seconded