Board meeting Minutes/3 Nov 2014
Prior: 20 Oct 2014 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 17 Nov 2014 |
Minutes approved: 1 Dec 2014
- NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
- Unspecified
- Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
- Present
- (Subject to verification) Dan Rich (chair), Steve VanDevender, Ski Kacoroski, William Bilancio, Matt Simmons, Matt Disney, George Beech,John Boris
- Apologies
- ?
- Guests
- ?
- Opened
- 9:00 PM Eastern Time
- Closed
Consent Agenda
No consent agenda minutes approval tabled to 1 Dec 2014 Meeting
Action Items
Standing Reports
Treasurer's report (Disney)
- Balance info
- BoA Account: $22,530.93
- PayPal Account: $4,875.81
- TDBank: $1,989.73
- Total: $29,396.47
- +/- from last meeting: $375.93
- Summary of expenditures since last report:
- Budgeted operational expenses
- Summary of income since last report:
- Membership dues: $532.70
- Outstanding liabilities
- VanDevender (report submitted, William has this)
- Top priorities
- F2F reimbursement (VanDevender)
- Budget update and annual financial report
- Transition bank accounts
- 2013 990
- Misc:
- Need VanDevender expense report from William
- The anonymous $1000 (lifetime membership) from September appears to be a complete payment. Any objections? There were no objections to accepting the payment and proceeding.
Matt Disney asked for anything special needed for the Community meeting presentation. Matt Simmons told Matt Disney to look at the comments he added about some of the numbers.
Membership report (VanDevender)
- Previous Month:
- New: 13 (8 students)
- Renew: 3 (1 students)
- Lapsed: 19
- Month to Date:
- New: 1 (1 students)
- Renew: 0 (0 students)
- Lapsed: 1
- Total: 826 (677 paying)
Conference/events activities report (Bilancio)
LISA in a week. William has reached out to sCale but they have not replied back yet. The Yerkes award proofed was approved and should be in Seattle by Tuesday.
Local Chapter Committee report (Bilancio)
Atlanta just put out a questionnaire to his members on future ideas for the group. It does look positive for the Atlanta group. Dan asked William to look at the Locals slide for the Community meeting.
Development report (Kacoroski)
Nothing to report
Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (Simmons/Kacoroski)
- LOPSAgram going out this week. Matt asked again if the Board could give him a short paragraph concerning their programs they are part of or other items they would want to report on. Dan supported Matt's request that the Communication should not be the sole provider of the information for the LOPSAGram.
Project Management report (Rich)
- Project planning page still needs updating - Projects 2014/2015. I can't manage the projects if there isn't any info about them.
- Can everyone spend a couple of hours on their projects in the next week so we have some progress to show the membership in the meeting at LISA?
Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
Technical Services Report (Bilancio)
No Update
Mentorship Report (Boris)
No Report. I will touch base with Ed for LISA BoF and Community Meeting.
LOPSA Professional Recognition (Simmons)
The LPR program should be mentioned at the Community Meeting. It will mostly waiting to hear what the Lawyer suggest we do with the program.
Leadership Committee (Kacoroski)
Plan to meet with Warner at LISA
Lisa'14 (Kacoroski)
- Community meeting presentation needs everyone's input, you should have received a Google Doc share notification yesterday (Rich)
- Everything else is set.
- Table volunteers? (MPS)
- Ski will have a sign up for volunteers
- Board members private dinner? (MPS)
- Looks like it will be Wednesday night before the Community Meeting
Next Agenda item... (NAME)
New Business
Board Vacancy...
Matt Disney brought up about Steve Murawski's resignation and how we plan to fill it. Ski will notify Warner Moore (LC) about the vacancy and will ask him to start seeking out a possible replacement or nominees.
Matt Disney motioned for adjournment. Matt Disney seconded.