Board meeting Minutes/5 December 2017

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7 November 2017
Board meeting Minutes Next:
2 January 2018

Minutes approved: 2 January 2018

George Beech (chair), Andy Cowell (VP), Steve VanDevender, Aleksey Tsalolikhin (Secretary), Scott Suehle, Drew Adams, Danielle White
Brian Globerman (Treasurer)
9:05 Eastern Time
9:35 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Globerman, Beech, Suehle)

Membership report (VanDevender)

  • Total active members: 649 (previous report: 663, change: -14, pending renewal: 23)
  • Paying: 333 (1 new in last 30 days)
  • Non-paying: 316 (7 new in last 30 days)

Paying members include Individual, Charter, Founding, and Lifetime memberships. Non-paying members include Student and Complimentary memberships.

Committee reports

Conferences/Events/Chapters activities (Adams)

LOPSA Cascadia 2019: (Vandevender)

Steve said he'll put a call for volunteers out to help plan Cascadia 2019.

LISA 2017 (Vandevender)

We picked up 20 new members at LISA.


Tennessee may be a good place to host a LOPSA conference, we have an active chapter there.

Marketing/Communications (Tsalolikhin, Uphill)

Aleksey said we are on-boarding the new Community Manager; got him onto GMail and hopefully Wild Apricot today, and targeting to have LOPSAgram out by the next board meeting.

Technical Services (White)

Daniel Rich is working through some issues with

Education, Training and Mentorship (Cowell)

Xinspire gave a demo of their mentorship platform to the LOPSA board on November 14.

Andy moved that, in light of the overhead and difficulty of maintaining successful operation of the mentorship program solely through volunteer effort and custom scripts, LOPSA agree to a one year agreement with Xinspire to use their platform to underpin our mentorship program going forward. The cost is a one-time $1,000.00 USD set up fee, and an annual $4,000.00 USD subscription for up to 150 users, which compares favorably with one person committing ten to fifteen hours a week at minimum wage.

Aleksey seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Brian (Treasurer) had emailed in favor of it (Andy had posted the motion yesterday).

Locals/Chapters Committee (Adams)

Aleksey moved we charter a provisional LOPSA chapter in Chicago (Founders: Beth Lynn Eicher, Erich Mees, Brian Sebby).

Andy seconded.

Motion carried unanimously.

Congratulations Chicago chapter!

George asked Drew to round up which chapters are still active. (Per our rules, we are supposed to review chapter status annually.)


 Danielle Motioned for Adjournment
 Aleksey Seconded