Board meeting Minutes/8 January 2007

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18 December 2006
Board meeting Minutes Next:
15 January 2007

Minutes approved: 15 January 2007

Tom Perrine (chair), Matthew Barr, Trey Harris, David Parter, Pat Wilson (note taker)
Sam Albrecht, Andrew Hume, Doug Hughes, Stephen Potter
20:10 Eastern Time
20:42 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Approve minutes of 18 December 2006
  • Record email MOTION: by Hughes, seconded by Barr to amend sponsorship levels to re-add Diamond consultant sponsorship at $10,000 level. Passes.
  • Record email MOTION: by Harris, seconded by Potter, to approve a sponsorship relationship with SysAdmin under the following terms:
    • Sys Admin Mag will:
      • provide LOPSA with one complimentary full page advertisement for each issue for one year
      • provide each LOPSA member with a one year complimentary membership
      • promise to not sell the LOPSA membership list.
      • promise to not solicit LOPSA members except for one CD ROM promotion
    • LOPSA will:
      • provide SysAdmin with the appropriate level of sponsorship, as to be decided later by the Board
      • provide SysAdmin with a monthly file of membership
      • will post occassional requests for authors to LOPSA members via the Memo to Members, no more than six times in 2007. Passes

Consent agenda passes.

Action Items

Board Committees

  • Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
    • Wilson - Coordinate sponsor renewal letters - in progress Biordi should be sending these out
    • Wilson - Follow up on LISA discussion with BlueArc - in progress email sent; waiting for reply
  • Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
    • Palmer - Contact local office of possible partner [now due 1/7] - no report
  • Leadership Committee (Esther Filderman)
  • Policy Committee (Harris)
  • Communications Committee
    • Perrine - Follow up with SysAdmin Magazine regarding volunteers for online answer folks
    • Perrine - [from 11/8] Talk to Rich regarding posting LOPSA logo on Sysadmin Magazine irc - DONE

ACTION ITEM: Perrine to send artwork to Rich

    • Albrecht - [from 11/8] Contact listbroker regarding lateness in sending out email blast - in progress' waiting for reply
    • Wilson - Contact Welch regarding logo and update all graphics for 2007 - DONE
  • Membership Committee
    • Solanki - [from 11/8] Follow up on pending membership payments - in progress
    • Hughes - Automate the renewal letter process - no report

Program Committees

  • Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
    • Harris - Contact alternate event model company and request a presentation to the Board - in progress This is now Albrecht's action item
  • Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
    • Barr - [from 11/8] Set up board-only mail alias - DONE
  • Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
  • Locals Committee (Parter)
    • Perrine will take over this committee


  • Financial
    • Albrecht - [from 11/8] Draft wording for posting 990 on website - DONE

ACTION ITEM: Parter to post 990 note and form to LOPSA governance site

Dear LOPSA Member,

The 2005 IRS Form 990 for LOPSA is now available for viewing (file link here).  The Form 990 
is the annual tax return required for non-profit organizations (think 1040).  While 2005 shows 
a net loss for the year, it was our organizational year and was expected.  The Board of Directors
has been briefed on this report, as was the membership at the 2006 Annual Membership Meeting 
in Phoenix, AZ.  

Thank you for your support of LOPSA.


Andrew Hume, Treasurer
Sam Albrecht, Executive Director
  • Albrecht:
    • Provide status on IRS 501.c.3 status - in progress
    • Query insurance company regarding possible member insurance options [due 12/21] - no progress
    • Finalize pricing structure and bring back to the Board for JobTarget job board. - in progress
  • Barr:
  • Harris:
    • Set up wiki for Resume Standards project - in progress due 1/15
    • Present draft financial policies for Board approval (low priority) - no progress
    • Gather material for Halprin request [due 2/1]
  • Hughes:
    • Work with Frisch, Chalup, Halprin, Barr on resume resources skeleton/framework (should have status by mid February) [due 2/1]
    • Update the LOPSA site to reflect changes to sponsor levels and benefits - DONE
  • Hume:
    • Chat with SNIA regarding possible partnering - no report
  • Palmer:
  • Parter:
  • Perrine:
  • Potter:
    • Reconvene Code of Ethics review committee - no progress Potter requests this be handed off
    • Draft a new charter for the combined Development/Partnership committee - no report
  • Wilson:
  • All:

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (first meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
    • See the report online for this week's status
  • Online report
  • Sysadmin Days report

Things are a bit up in the air regarding venue, but a decision will be made within the week.

  • Development report

International Volunteer Liaison

The sense of the Board is to approve Albrecht's recommendation of Liyun Yu's offer to coordinate LOPSA information to/from non-US locations. Scope of work TBD, but some translation comes to mind, as does an awareness campaign, and maybe soliciting affiliates/chapters.

LOPSA Membership For Sys Admin of the Year

Sense of the Board is that the Executive Director has the authority and that it's a good idea to give Michael Beck (Splunk's 2006 Sysadmin of the Year) a free one year LOPSA membership

New Business


LOPSA will have a presence at the upcoming SCALE 5X conference; Mario Obejas is again the lead, but welcomes help


The first Sys Admin Magazine ad has been delivered to them.


MOTION to adjourn by Wilson, seconded by Barr. Passes. Adjourned at 20:42 ET