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* [[Minutes | SAGE Board meeting Minutes]]
= LOPSA Governance Documents =
* [[Memos to Members | SAGE "Memo to Members" archive]]
* [[SAGE Sponsorship Levels and Benefits]]
This site contains documents released by the Board of Directors of the League of Professional System Administrators to its members and the public.
== News ==
* [https://lopsa.org/lopsagram LOPSA Memo to Members archive (LOPSAGram)]
* [[Minutes | LOPSA Board meeting Minutes]]
= SAGE Transition =
== Sponsorship ==
* [http://lopsa.org/Sponsorships  LOPSA Sponsorship Levels and Benefits]
This site is protected by login for edits.
== Governance documents ==
* [[LOPSA Bylaws]]
== 2005 Board of Directors Election Results ==
* [[LOPSA Policies]]
* [[2005 Financial Statement]]
* 2017 Financial Statements: [[Media:Balance Sheet20171111.pdf |Balance Sheet 1/1/2017 - 11/11/2017]], [[Media:ProfitandLoss20171111.pdf |Profit and Loss Statement 1/1/2017 - 11/11/2017]]
* 2018 Financial Statements: [[Media:LOPSA_Budget_FY2018_v1.pdf | 2018 Budget]]
* 2020 Financial Statements: [[Media:Budget2020.pdf |2020 Budget]]
== Board of Directors Election Results ==
* [[2019 Election Results]]
* [[2018 Election Results]]
* [[2017 Election Results]]
* [[2016 Election Results]]
* [[2015 Election Results]]
* [[2014 Election Results]]
* [[2013 Election Results]]
* [[2012 Election Results]]
* [[2011 Election Results]]
* [[2009 Election Results]]
* [[2007 Election Results]]
* [[2005 Election Results]]
* [[2005 Election Results]]
==  2005 Candidates' Info Packet ==
An [[2005 Candidates' Info Packet|information packet]] was provided to candidates and the public prior to the election.
The following items were made available to candidates for the Board and to the public:
* [[FAQ]]
* [[Interim Board meeting Minutes]]
'''NOTE:''' This site is ''not'' sponsored by SAGE or the USENIX Association.  Use of the word "SAGE" in this site is largely historical.  We will be removing inappropriate references to "SAGE" shortly.
* The NDA ([[Non-Disclosure Agreement]])
{{end blockquote}}
* [[Media:Association_Management_Services_CFP-0003.pdf|The AMC RFP (Request For Proposals) PDF]]
* [[Articles of Incorporation]]
* [[SAGE Bylaws]] (draft)
* [[SAGE Policies]]
* Copy of [[USENIX Board Resolutions]] of 27th June 2004, and all resolutions since
* (Historic SAGE STG Budget data removed at the request of USENIX)
* [[Memos-to-members]]
* [[List of Council members]]

Latest revision as of 15:03, 15 February 2020

LOPSA Governance Documents

This site contains documents released by the Board of Directors of the League of Professional System Administrators to its members and the public.



Governance documents

Board of Directors Election Results

An information packet was provided to candidates and the public prior to the election.

NOTE: This site is not sponsored by SAGE or the USENIX Association. Use of the word "SAGE" in this site is largely historical. We will be removing inappropriate references to "SAGE" shortly.