Board meeting Minutes/10 July 2006

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26 June 2006
Board meeting Minutes Next:
17 July 2006

Minutes approved: 17 July 2006

Tom Perrine (chair), Matthew Barr, Trey Harris, Doug Hughes, Andrew Hume, Chris Palmer, Stephen Potter, Pat Wilson (note taker)
Sam Albrecht
20:03 Eastern Time
21:31 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Consent agenda passes.

Action Items

Board Committees

  • Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
    • Albrecht - Provide list of materials for development kit -in progress Sponsor kit being developed. Current contents (inside our pocket folder) - Code of ethics, membership postcard, current press releases, Why is LOPSA important to your business, Sponsor benefit sheet, sponsor participation form, draft letter to sponsors.
  • Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
    • Request Board approval of a no-cost Institutional Membership for (point of contact: Ron Durbin). - deferred ACTION ITEM: Membership Committee to draft a proposal for an Institutional Membership, which Executive Director will then be given discretion to use.
  • Leadership Committee (Greg Rose)
  • Policy Committee (Harris)
  • Communications Committee
    • Parter - Contact the 500th member for comments for a "member profile" - no report
    • Albrecht - sent draft press releases for partnership with to Palmer. Palmer approved and they should go out to press lists today.
  • Membership Committee

Program Committees

  • Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
  • Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
    • Parter - Mailing lists/online forum - no report
  • Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)


  • Financial
    • Hume - Prepare statement about AH payment [due 6/26] - in progress
    • Hume - prepare annual financial report [due 6/26] - not done
  • Albrecht:
    • Touch base with IRS [due 7/17]
  • Barr:
  • Harris:
    • Post a description of the Resume Standards project - see below
    • Present draft financial policies for Board approval - not done this item is low priority
  • Hughes:
  • Hume:
    • Work with Usenix to pursuade them to sign a grant letter to the IRS - in progress
    • Chat with the SNIA Chief Scientist regarding possible partnering - in progress waiting for reply
  • Palmer:
  • Parter:
  • Perrine:
    • Contact outreach project principal [due 7/3] - DONE
    • Search for artistic design resource for outreach project - in progress Welsh may be available for this project
  • Potter:
  • Wilson:
  • All:
    • Consider LOPSA mission projects in preparation for brainstorming. Post contributions to the Board wiki by 7/8. [due 7/10]

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report (first meeting of the month only)
    • 2006 May financials sent to Board on 7/10/06.--Sam
    • The burn rate is running below expected by a little, so that seems fine.
    • The sponsorship rate is too low; I don't have the exact numbers at hand (sorry) but we need to start generating sponsorship income.
  • Membership report
    • See report for this week's status

There was a confusion with the website shopping cart indicators that may have impacted membership orders. The next round of "nag" email to non-members with accounts on the website should go out in August.

  • Online report
  • Training event
    • see Planning Committee page

It's believed that a separate wiki has been set up for this project.

  • Development report

Privacy Policy (Palmer)

MOTION: by Palmer, to adopt the Privacy policy as written. Seconded by Hume. Passes.

Approved text:

Privacy policy

Our privacy statement

The following statement discloses The League of Professional System Administrator's information gathering and dissemination practices.

The League maintains member databases that contain mailing, billing, and member profile information, as well as a record of each member's product purchases and registrations for conferences. The information in these databases is used by authorized LOPSA staff members to process orders; mail invoices, member benefits, renewal notices, and announcements; and respond to member inquiries. Member records are maintained as long as an individual is a LOPSA member and for five years following a membership lapse. Purchases and credit card transactions are retained for as long as appropriate to meet contractual, tax, or auditing needs.

LOPSA logs all accesses to our Web site. Summary information derived from these logs may be displayed on the Web. We may analyze log files periodically to help maintain and improve our Web site and enforce our online service polices. Personal information is stored in a relational database and standard security methods are used to protect it. We require confirmation of identity before releasing information back to the user for update over the Web.

Commercial information (such as credit card numbers) is obtained using our encrypted Web server. We do not store complete credit card information on our machines.

Electronic communication

LOPSA does not rent or sell email addresses. LOPSA may use email addresses to contact members to answer member questions or to acknowledge the receipt of membership applications and other orders, to send membership renewal notices, and to send announcements and memos about LOPSA activities or programs. You may opt out of recieving periodic announcements and memos.

Postal mail

LOPSA may use the postal addresses of its members to mail invoices, products, and announcements from LOPSA and from its supporting members. The names and mailing addresses of members who have not opted out may be rented to outside organizations to send mailing packages that have been carefully screened by LOPSA for their suitability. LOPSA member names and mailing addresses are never sold.


You may opt out from having your name and address made available to anyone other than the League on the LOPSA website in your user profile, or by sending mail to


LOPSA gives members the opportunity to change information previously provided via the website, or by sending email to


The LOPSA site contains links to other sites. LOPSA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

Online Membership Directory

The LOPSA Membership Directory identifies the members of LOPSA to one another, in order to promote peer networking. This Directory is accessible only to LOPSA members. Members can search the Directory for other LOPSA members by name, location, or other means.

By default, each member's name, city, state or province, and country are included in the Directory. No other information about a LOPSA member (including street address) is included in the Directory unless the member decides to add this information, making it "public" or "not public". The information included in a member's Directory listing is taken from the member's profile data, and members can "make public" as much or as little information as they wish. Members can remove personal information from the Membership Directory or add information by updating their online profiles. Some of the granular capabilities to opt-in are not yet present; opt-out is assumed in most cases.

The Directory should not be used for the unsolicited promotion of products and/or services. In order to prevent the harvesting of Directory information, searches will return a limited number of names that match the search criteria. To see any additional information that a member has chosen to include in the Directory, the searcher must select a particular member name.

Contacting LOPSA

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact the League of Professional System Administrators, 15000 Commerce Parkway Suite C, Mt Laurel, NJ 08054,

Sysadmin issues

from 26 June 2006

Need a couple of projects that address the mission (resume standards, standards index, tool catalog, etc). Brainstorming.

Discussion ensued and is summarized on the Board wiki.

ACTION ITEM: All Board should edit the page with an eye towards building consensus.

ACTION ITEM: Wilson to nag Board regarding online brainstorming.

YAPC report

  • Harris attended YAPC::NA (Yet Another Perl Conference, North America) in Chicago. It was a well-run event, done quite inexpensively to attendees - LOSPA should consider aspects to emuate.
  • Note: he never received LOPSA swag—did it get back to AH, or is it lost in shipment? Palmer will mail LOPSA conference materials back to AH.

Shirt Orders

  • How much stock left?
    • unknown at this time
  • How many orders had problems?
    • at least 3 orders had problems, though this seems to have been an office fulfillment issue, and not a problem with the vendor(s)


Potter notes that the Ohio Linuxfest may need to introduce a nominal charge to defray table rental expenses - he will seek approval from the Board if/when a fee is announced.


MOTION to adjourn by Hume, seconded by Harris. Adjourned at 21:31 ET