Board meeting Minutes/3 October 2005
Prior: 26 September 2005 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 10 October 2005 |
Minutes approved: 10 October 2005
- Present
- Tom Perrine(chair), Andrew Hume, Stephen Potter, Chris Palmer, Geoff Halprin (note taker), Doug Hughes, Pat Wilson, Trey Harris
- Apologies
- David Parter, Sam Albrecht
- Opened
- 20:03 US/East
- Closed
- 22:40 US/East
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 26 September 2005
Consent agenda approved.
Action Items
- Board:
- Review Palmer's draft sponsor letter - comments due by 10/2.
- Palmer has incorporated most comments. A new draft will appear shortly.
- This AP caused discussion on the joint (USENIX/SAGE) communique to SAGE members, and the need for both talking points, and reference text.
- Review and comment on draft travel and reimbursement policy – discussed half at last weeks meeting, tabled remaining for 10/3 meeting.
- Review Palmer's draft sponsor letter - comments due by 10/2.
- Harris
- Draft a membership policy. On Agenda.
- Halprin:
- Help Harris with membership policy. On Agenda.
- Hughes:
- Convene an awards committee. On Agenda.
- Palmer:
- Finalize potential sponsor letter. - Draft posted on wiki, requesting comments from all by Sunday 10/2
- See Board action items above.
- Draft communication statement on the Usenix/SAGE split & agreement - Will write first draft for comments on wiki.
- Finalize potential sponsor letter. - Draft posted on wiki, requesting comments from all by Sunday 10/2
- Parter:
- Look into pricing of having mission statement on back of business cards. Preliminary pricing from Deepa: $53/500 cards 2-color 1-sided, $68/500 cards 2-color 2-sided. Alternative vendor (, need to check on card stock, quality): $34.95/500 4-color 1-sided, $39.95/500 4-color 2-sided. Deepa is getting samples
- Potter:
- Work with the Leadership Committee on the Code of Ethics review and document the procedure for future efforts with the Leadership Committee.
- Potter has spoken to Rose and will identify candidates for committee chair by 2005-10-15.
- It was noted that Perrine should liaise with Rose regularly regarding the volunteer pool and opportunities.
- Work with the Leadership Committee on the Code of Ethics review and document the procedure for future efforts with the Leadership Committee.
- Albrecht:
- Work with Harris and Palmer to take brochure to the next stage.- expected to go to creative services by 9/30 Status - went over minor changes at AH today. Will be sent out to Harris/Palmer for one final review before going to Creative Services. The more we can fill in with volunteer input, rather than after final draft, will save SAGE money.
- Send out July and August expenses with the new accounting codes. - to be sent out by 9/30 Status - Sent revised July and August expenses to Treasurer for review before going to Board - without the new accounting codes, but it is sorted by category. Setting up more detailed chart of accounts for September expenses.
- Gather CA business license paperwork for AH to process. LISA- Sam will gather paperwork for AH to process Status - Paperwork gathered. Can wait on submittal until we decided if we are going to sell merchandise at LISA
- Look into merchant account issue, and a possible back up plan. - will provide info by 10/3 Status - not complete.
SAGECom proposal
Final discussion before it's submitted.
Nov 18 facts
MOTION: To accept and endorse the investigation and report by Hume into the USENIX deliverables, and to forward a copy of the results to the USENIX Board (via Jones).
- Moved: Hume. In favour: Hume, Potter, Palmer, Hughes, Wilson and Perrine.
- Abstained: Halprin (conflict of interest), Harris (conflict of interest).
- Absent: Parter.
Awards Committee Charge
approve charge for awards committee
MOTION: to approve the charter for the awards committee.
- Moved: Hughes. Approved.
Approved text: Awards Committee charge policy
1. That, commencing with 2004, SAGE create an annual award to recognise members who contribute to the community through their postings to the sage-members list and related forums. 2. This award is to be known as the "Chuck Yerkes Award for outstanding individual contribution on member forums". 3. Receipients will be determined by a panel of members (the "awards committee"), appointed by the Board of Directors. 4. The awards committee will be issued with the following mandate: a. Candidates must be members of SAGE. b. Candidates are to be evaluated on the following criteria: - frequency (how many times they have contributed throughout the course of the year); - helpfulness (the degree to which their posts were instructive in moving towards a viable solution); - educational value (the degree to which the candidate provided insight into their reasoning, such that both the original poster and also the greater membership might learn from the thread); - consistency; and - profesionalism (this includes such attributes as the lack of inflammatory material). c. The award is not open to current members of the Board of Directors. 5. The award will be presented at the major SAGE conference each year. [Presently LISA] Deadline for both awards is 10/24/05 at which time they will be submitted to the SAGE board for final approval and confirmation. The nominees for the awards shall be given to the Award committee chair (Doug Hughes) who will present them to the SAGE board. |
Bitpusher benefits
Bitpusher would like to begin using some of the benefits of being a Gold sponsor, like free memberships.
We cannot provide services (including membership benefits) to new sponsors until the outsourcing agreement has been executed and we have control of service provision. It is expected that this will be resolved in the 6-8 week timeframe. It was agreed that a letter to this effect should be drafted and sent to Bitpusher.
Travel and reimbursement policy
- Finish discussion and approval of travel and reimbursement policy
Agenda Item Deferred
Membership policy
Briefly discuss policy on membership classes and policy on termination of membership with an eye towards approving at next week's meeting (Harris)
Agenda Item Deferred
Hume holds minutes of 26 September 2005 for redaction.
Meeting ajourned at 22:40 US/East.