LOPSA Policies/Committees

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Policy approved by the Board on 31 July 2005.

Policy amended on 8 August 2005. Policy amended on 21 November 2005.

The report or recommendation of any Committee shall not be binding upon the Board.

The Board shall establish the following committees:

Board level committees

Name Chair Description Disposition Contains subcommittee(s)
Development Wilson/Potter Involve no entangling commitments. Develop development policy, plan, kit, identify and ask candidates, fund-raise
Note: though the President will often have development duties (e.g., hobnobbing, etc.) that doesn't mean the President must chair this committee.
Standing As required
Partnership & Liaison Perrine Involve mutual commitments and relationships. Liaise with USENIX and other partners on contract, etc. Conflict resolution. Standing As required
Leadership Greg Rose (Board liaison Perrine) Develop leadership skills. Board induction. Volunteer cultivation. Election slates. Standing (per Bylaws) None
Policy Harris Draft policy manual for Board approval.
May be "Committee of the Whole".
Ad-hoc None.
Communications Palmer Oversight of all communications to members and external parties. Drafting of communications policy. Standing None.
Membership development Harris Investigate growing the membership. Develop Membership classes and policy. Recommend whether standing committee is needed. Ad-hoc None.

Program committees

Name Chair Description Disposition Subcommittee(s)
Awards Hughes Annual Contribution to the Profession award; Yerkes award. Annual Maybe (one for each award?)
Conference Planning Wilson/Perrine Plan our robust ubiquitous presence at LISA. Posters, BOFs, everything. In future, will handle all conferences. Standing One for each conference
Locals Parter Investigate Locals program. Ad-hoc None.
Technical Services Hughes/Parter Deliver and manage online services and other technology. Standing Email/Website transition team
Content Services Palmer/Parter SAGEnews; Magazine; Journal; etc. Standing (One for each publication)
Mentor Program Hume Investigate revitalized mentor program. Ad-hoc None.