Board meeting Minutes

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This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. The use of the term "SAGE" below may be historical.

This page is a list of links pointing at Minutes of the SAGE Board in chronological order.

Per the policy on minutes dissemination, publication of minutes may occur up to 30 days after approval, but will ordinarily happen sooner.

Redactions, when present, will be clearly labeled (see the policy for more about redactions).

See also the older Interim Board meeting Minutes.


About the redactions

Some of the minutes have redacted versions. The redactions are given in the form:

This sentence includes words to be redacted {4 words redacted; reason for redaction}.

The above sentence would read:

This sentence includes {4 words redacted; reason for redaction}.

The reasons for redaction are:

  1. Personnel mentioned by name
  2. Business sensitivity
  3. Third party mentioned by name