LOPSA Policies/Committees
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Policy approved by the Board on 31 July 2005.
Policy amended on 8 August 2005. Policy amended on 21 November 2005.
The report or recommendation of any Committee shall not be binding upon the Board.
The Board shall establish the following committees:
Board level committees
Name | Chair | Description | Disposition | Contains subcommittee(s) |
Development | Wilson/Potter | Involve no entangling commitments. Develop development policy, plan, kit, identify and ask candidates, fund-raise Note: though the President will often have development duties (e.g., hobnobbing, etc.) that doesn't mean the President must chair this committee. |
Standing | As required |
Partnership & Liaison | Perrine | Involve mutual commitments and relationships. Liaise with USENIX and other partners on contract, etc. Conflict resolution. | Standing | As required |
Leadership | Greg Rose (Board liaison Perrine) | Develop leadership skills. Board induction. Volunteer cultivation. Election slates. | Standing (per Bylaws) | None |
Policy | Harris | Draft policy manual for Board approval. May be "Committee of the Whole". |
Ad-hoc | None. |
Communications | Palmer | Oversight of all communications to members and external parties. Drafting of communications policy. | Standing | None. |
Membership development | Harris | Investigate growing the membership. Develop Membership classes and policy. Recommend whether standing committee is needed. | Ad-hoc | None. |
Program committees
Name | Chair | Description | Disposition | Subcommittee(s) |
Awards | Hughes | Annual Contribution to the Profession award; Yerkes award. | Annual | Maybe (one for each award?) |
Conference Planning | Wilson/Perrine | Plan our robust ubiquitous presence at LISA. Posters, BOFs, everything. In future, will handle all conferences. | Standing | One for each conference |
Locals | Parter | Investigate Locals program. | Ad-hoc | None. |
Technical Services | Hughes/Parter | Deliver and manage online services and other technology. | Standing | Email/Website transition team |
Content Services | Palmer/Parter | SAGEnews; Magazine; Journal; etc. | Standing | (One for each publication) |
Mentor Program | Hume | Investigate revitalized mentor program. | Ad-hoc | None. |