Board meeting Minutes/7 March 2011

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21 February 2011
Board meeting Minutes Next:
21 March 2011

Minutes approved: 21 March 2011

Subject to verification Philip Kizer (chair), Matthew Barr, Lois Bennett, William Bilancio, Ski Kacoroski, Dan Rich,
Jimmy Kaplowitz, Jesse Trucks
20:04 Eastern Time
21:14 Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

  • There are 51 tickets in the board queue, 5 that don't have owners.
  • Dan created script that will remind us daily on action items
RT Ticket Status
User Open tickets
Nobody 5
drich 13
lois 11
pckizer 5
pensezbien 7
ski 5
wbilancio 5

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
    • Amount in bank is holding steady.
    • Still waiting on $$$ from OLF and am expecting some $$$ from SCALE.
    • Still need to send AH a payment on debt
    • We also need to get director's insurance (Philip will follow up on this)
  • Membership report
    • Over 600 members due to several renewals from renewal email sent by Dan. Still have 800+ people who have not renewed.
    • Problem has been that renewal notices have not been going out. This has been fixed.
  • Technical services report
    • This is on hold as William is busy with PICC work. Having issues getting additional volunteers to help.
  • Conference/events activities report
    • SCALE happened 2 weeks ago and they were happy with our involvement.
    • Cascadia is this weekend. Philip is doing the keynote. Has a lot of attendees and getting more so it doing very well.
    • PICC is ramping up marketing now. They have 12 classes this year.
    • OLF is next scheduled conference.
  • Development report
  • Upcoming MtM
    • Need notice about membership kits needed.
    • Add in volunteer thankyou each month.

LinuxFest SouthEast... (Ski)

At SCALE I was approached by an organizer of who is very interested in LOPSA so a University of 4 - 6 classes there. Contact name is Jeremy Sands ( I think we should do this as it is in June when we have nothing going on and we have several possible trainers (e.g. Chris, Jesse, and Matt) who are located close by.

  • William will check into this and see if we can provide training. idea (Ski)

At SCALE we had several folks asking about posting or looking for jobs. Also the Seattle chapter is seeing around 10 new job openings a month. While I know a jobs board does not make sense, what about a mail list where people can just post job openings or descriptions if they are looking for a job.

  • Jobs list (sajobs) was approved as an interim measure until Jesse can create a jobs board for LOPSA (end of May).
    • Keep it free for now, possibly add better postings as a sponsorship benefit for companies.
    • Idea is that resume postings are free

SCALE U Wrapup... (Ski)

Started new page for a conference check list Conferences. We did a lot of explaining LOPSA to folks and signed up some new members. We also made contacts with potential sponsors. Got 7 new members via CC machine and 1 T-Shirt sale. Only problem was gate guard so some folks were able to get into classes without paying for the class.

Business Cards... (Ski)

I need some more, do you? I could have really used them at SCALE.

  • Decided to skip this until after elections this year.

OReilly... (Ski)

I talked to OReilly about a coordinated effort for getting their books out to our members. This is what I got back: "It might work out if all your chapter representatives register with us, so that we have their shipping addresses, and other contact info, then if you'd like to handle all the books requests, you can send them to Marsee and I, and we can do the shipping. We don't have regular items we select and ship monthly, rather we let the individual groups make requests every month, and we ship them what books they want, when they want them.

There are a few large collections of groups, though, where we will get a list of books, and send them to 6-8 different chapters, it is a little more work for the coordinator (you), but no different for us.

Whatever works best for you, works for us.

As for sponsoring, we don't have any budget for sponsoring other than shipping books, and we are always happy to do that.

Finally, we often share a PDF Raffle card that chapters and groups can print on demand, and offer at their meetings, I will attach one to this message so you can see what it looks like."

  • William will get chapter contacts.
  • We need to try to get schedules for LOPSAGram and on a main calendar on our site

Badge Holders (William)

We are running out. We used them at PICC '10, LISA and just sent a batch to Cascadia. If we are going to hand them out which I think is a great idea, we will need to order more.

  • Need to remind folks to bring their badge holders to conferences in LOPSAGram, etc.
  • Approve order for another batch (Lois will work on this)

Member Benefits (Dan)

As I was talking to people last weekend at SCALE, the number one thing that came up was "what do I get for being a member of LOPSA". I kept giving the "community" answer, but there is so much more we could do with a little bit of effort. A few come to mind:

  • Salary Survey
    • Can we figure out a way to get one put together quickly using the survey engine on the web site? I don't want to exactly duplicate what SAGE used to do, but several people asked about this.
    • Jesse is concerned that we do this in a statistically valid manner which will cost $$$. This means we need a sponsor for the survey.
    • Lois will take this item.
  • Jobs Board
    • Whether or not we want to do this on our site or partner with Monster/HotJobs/etc, we need to get this up and running asap. I talked to quite a few people and recruiters that are looking for a way to find both sysadmins and open positions, and we are in a perfect place to be the one providing this service. If we made it a requirement that you had to be a member to post resumes or see the full details of an offer (but not to post an offer) that would be a driver for membership.
  • Additional Locals
  • Publicity
    • We need to make it clearer on what conferences we are sponsoring/involved with as well as expanding the local groups page.
  • William will take this one.

We need to do more than talk about this, we need to develop an action plan with trackable action items and people assigned to do them. As I found out both at SCALE and in e-mails from the membership expiration e-mail, we are actively losing members because they don't see value in the organization.

Sponsors (Dan)

We need someone to contact our individual sponsors who have not donated in over a year and invite them to continue their sponsorship. CiviCRM will not do this automatically since it is not a "membership" so doesn't expire. We could set up a smart group that finds everyone with an expiration in the past 11 months and kick off an e-mail to them, it would just take some setting up to get it working.

  • Ski will take this one.


  • Jesse is forming a local in Knoxville area and working on idea of a virtual local.
  • Dan will work with BayLisa to see if they will become a local


Motion to adjourn by Rich/Bilancio at 21:14