Board meeting Minutes/15 Jul 2013

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1 Jul 2013
Board meeting Minutes Next:
29 Jul 2013

Minutes approved: 29 Jul 2013

Template:Open agenda

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), William Bilancio, Dan Rich, Ski Kacoroski, Matt Disney, Evan Pettrey,John Boris
Martin Gehrke,
8:00 PM Eastern Time
8:35 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

All Board members are reminded to review their assigned tickets in RT.

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report

We are current on our liabilities.

Membership report

  • 826 members
  • 5 lapsed members in July, 100 last quarter, 212 year to date
  • The reminder emails seem to be helping. We will probably have an influx of renewals and new members due to sysadmin days.

Technical services report

No incidents to report. The dev server needs work so Dan and John can start testing the gift membership with CiVi

Conference/events activities report

Cascadia is building their budget. Their Sponsorship package and call for papers will be coming out soon.

LOPSA-East will probably start on their packages later in August.

  • Fosscon'13 Sign up genius has been created: Fosscon sign up
  • And there are two volunteers signed up so far.

Local Chapter Committee report

The meeting never formulated due to some work issues. A new one will be scheduled. There are talks to get a group in Atlanta.

Mentorship Status report

  • We met this past Tuesday and went over some automation issues. There is a backlog of 9 Protege requests. We have a new member of the core team Amy Rich. Her first meeting will be tomorrow. The Team started using Github for - version control, issue tracking,feature requests and collaboration

The reason to go to GitHub was due to issues with RT and getting certain things accomplished. The Core team does need help with the automation side especially someone who can program in JavaScript for Google docs. The program is healthy and moving along. The automation works well. There is a disconnect with the Protege and Mentor where they don't update the Protege/Mentor document but that is a manual process. Ski has had great success with his proteges.

More info next meeting.

Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (last meeting of the month only)

The LOPSAGram has been sent out and more will go out this weekend. He will start posting about LISA and we have the discount code for registration. Ski will get the information to William so he can build the pages and publish them.

Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

  • LC - Mario is good to remain as the Chair for another cycle but might consider ceding the spot if we find someone that really wants the position

F2F Meeting - Meeting Room (WBilancio)

I may have a new job when the F2F is going to be held. If this happens we will not be able to have the meeting at Arora and Associates. I have been working with Hyatt Place ( and have gotten a quote for a meeting room for August 24 and 25 for $750 for both days. Does LOPSA have the money to cover this and if so should I reserve the room. We will also get a block of rooms at the hotel for $129 a night for the out of town people.

Response from Treasurer (Evan)

We do have the money for this so that isn't an issue. However, the real question needs to be asked "is this a worthy cost or are they more cost effective alternatives?" I don't know what the alternatives would be but I think that is what the discussion should be focused on as whether we have the money or not is not an issue.
William answered that we have to have the meeting in New Jersey per our incorporation papers and this is one thing that the money we have has to be used for.
Dan stated that he thought that Evan actually meant that if we are going to spend money is this a worthy cause and not that we shouldn't spend the money.
Evan agreed with Dan that when we go to spend any money did we ask the question is this money well spent.
William will get a code to all Board members so they can register at the hotel.

Sys Admin Day Membership Discount (Disney)

Shall we repeat the Sys Admin Day week-long $35 membership promo this year? Matt Simmons has been handling most of the activities for Sysadmin days but he may not be able to work on this discount. We have offered this in the past and there has been a discussion that it was a large discount. Philip is good with $40 or $35. William wanted to get the dates correct that the discount will run from 12:01 AM on July 22nd to 11:59 PM on July 28th.

Dan brought up that we could go with $40 or go with $36 ($14 off ) as it is the 14th anniversary of Sysadmin Day. Ski liked the $40 but felt the $36 price is a hefty discount. He remembers that we had a lot of members last year because of the discount. Philip brought up the marketing value of $14 off for the 14th anniversary. Dan reminded that the last discount was a $40 membership but no discount on student memberships.

Consensus of the board was that the discounted membership would be $36 from 12:01 AM on July 22nd to 11:59 PM on July 28th.

Ski mentioned that we should look to see if we could get the Locals involved where if they signed up 5 members we would give them $50 back for food at their meeting. This can be done in CiVi to track it but it would be an optional field. This is doable but the tracking is the tough part.

Evan mentioned that Crabby Admins is having a party sponsored by Spiceworks.

It was unclear what Matt was doing on the National level for Sysadmin Day. Ski will check in with Matt to see where he stands for national events.

Evan asked for some LOPSA Swag for his Sysadmin Party. William asked for a mail address to send him some stuff (luggage tags, stickers etc).

New Business

Lifetime Membership

John asked about the Lifetime Membership change and when the updated Policy should be put on Governance. Philip said that when the minutes get updated it will be a good time do it. William said the Sysadmin Day announcement would be a great time to announce the Lifetime Membership. The finance committee has to come up on an Plan to handle the monies from


Motion for adjournment Dan motioned for adjournment William seconded