Board meeting Minutes/29 Jul 2013

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15 Jul 2013
Board meeting Minutes Next:
12 Aug 2013

Minutes approved: 12 Aug 2013

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), William Bilancio, John Boris, Dan Rich, Martin Gehrke, Ski Kacoroski
Matt Disney (sorry, was out of town for weekend and not going to make it back in time),Evan Pettrey
8:04 PM Eastern Time
8:20 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Board members are reminded to review RT for their Open tickets and update their status. Ski commented on some of the open tickets that are open ended so they have to be removed from RT if they are projects. Ski will review his and make the appropriate updates.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report

No Report as Evan could not attend.

  • Membership report
    • 870 members
    • 46 lapsed members in July, 99 last quarter, 251 YTD
    • 63 completed membership payments during the Sysadmin Day special, 5 additional in a "pay later" state
    • 36 of the above were renewals
  • Technical services report

A membership committee needs to be formed but it should not be a tech team issue.

  • Conference/events activities report
    • Fosscon'13 The signup genius form is active and we have two volunteers for the day. O'Reilly is sending 3 books for a raffle and also gave a PDF of a certificate for Free E-Books. John will meet up with William a few days prior to the 10th to get the items for the table.

Ski mentioned that OS-Con in Portland should be on our schedule for next year as a co-worker of his went and said it was well worth it is a large conference. Ski will forward the info to William. OS-Con is an O'Reilly event.

Philip mentioned LOPSA attended before but we did not get a good return for the effort. But that was a while back.

  • Local Chapter Committee report

Atlanta group had a phone in meeting and plan to have a Barbeque in August. Matt is helping them grow. There is a group in Ottowa, Canada and William will be talking with them. Dan brought up about an RT ticket for a mailing list for the Atlanta group and William said that would be cleared after the meeting.

  • Mentorship Status report

The Core Team met but it was just Ed and myself as Matt had to bail at the last minute and the others could not make it due to other issues. The minutes show a discussion on automation but with only Ed and myself we decided to move this until next week. The program is moving along and the core team is striving to keep the projects moving. There are 10 protégés waiting for mentors. The core team will be working on a method of aging the requests to keep them in front of the mentors so we don't lose sight of them. If they go unattached for more than a month we will revisit with the protégé to see if it is still a viable project. Thomas is working on the LOPSAGram for this month. They would like to have the open protégé requests on the mentorship page like an RSS feed. We would have to integrate Google Docs with Drupal. Ski brought up that he has asked to take on protégés and never got a reply from the core team. John will email the team to see what is the issue.

  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (last meeting of the month only)

The LOPSAGram is scheduled to go out. We got some press for Sysadmin days in Network world. We should get more press next year.

  • Project Management report
  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

Philip responded to Mario about him staying on and changing the process to recertify the LC Chair instead of waiting for them to burn out. Philip is waiting for a reply.


We did have a third Lifetime membership during the Sysadmin Day promotion who has paid by check.


Motion for adjournment by Ski Seconded by William