Board meeting Minutes/2 Dec 2013

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18 Nov 2013
Board meeting Minutes Next:
16 Dec 2013

Minutes approved: 13 Jan 2014

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Ski Kacoroski (chair), Matt Simmons, John Boris, Matt Disney, Evan Pettrey, Mike Julian, Martin Gehrke
Dan Rich, William Bilancio
8:00 PM Eastern Time
9:19 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • Minutes of 18 Nov 2013 were approved without objection.
  • Minutes of 7 Oct 2013 were approved without objection.
  • Minutes of 21 Oct 2013 were approved without objection.

Action Items

Board members are reminded to review their open tickets on RT and update the status.

Standing Reports

We are current with our liabilities

  • Membership report (Matt)
    • Total Members: 864
    • New members: MTD: 2 (students) ; Quarter: 76
    • Lapsed members: MTD: 1 ; Quarter: 60

  • Conference/events activities report (William)

Ski reported for William. CASCADIA and LOPSA-East are on schedule. Ski will be taking over ScALe. By the end of the week ScALE billing issues will be resolved and the classes will be scheduled.

  • Note the Go To Meeting connection went down at this point of the meeting. It was brought back up.
  • Local Chapter Committee report (martin)
    • Atlanta Chapter Status

Please review the recently sent email in order to make an informed vote on a motion I am going to make to approve provision status for the Atlanta Chapter. A discussion ensued on giving Atlanta Provisional status. They would be the first Chapter that has met mostly on line and had one in person meeting. Martin reported that Atlanta was on board with the Provisional Chapter status in lieu of the formal Chapter status. Matt Simmons agreed to send out an email to the Atlanta members letting them know the status of the Chapter hoping to help them garner more members. Martin motioned that the Atlanta Chapter be approved for Provisional Status. Seconded by John. The motion was approved with no objections.

  • Development/Sponsor report (Ski)

SPLUNK has stopped communicating with Ski. He is trying to see what happened.

  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc)(Ski/Matt)

The LOPSAGram will be going out shortly. Matt has taken over the Twitter portion of communications and reported that we are over 1,400 followers. It is showing to be successful.

  • Project Management report (Dan)

No report this week

  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
    • Technical Services Report (William)

Drupal 7 is progressing and should be ready in a week or two on the development server.

    • Mentorship Report (John)

The LMPT hasn't met since our last Board meeting. They will meet this Thursday (12/5). The issue I see left over is if the LMPT can use the web2project site to handle their project management. I did some looking and it can handle them as another company and the LMPT core team would be members of that company and they should not be able to see any of the board's projects. I will be reviewing that before this Thursday's meeting. They did kick around requiring Proteges to be members but that did not fly. They will let the proteges now about our new policy on Student memberships.

  • LOPSA Professional Recognition Program

We have had 20 applicants as of this date. The form will be closed down at the end of December so we can start the evaluation process. Matt Simmons would send an email out to the applicants to let them know that decisions would be made by the end of January 2014. Ski will put more information in the LOPSAGram. Mike asked Matt Simmons how do they plan to measure the success of the program. Matt explained it will be reviewed over a period of time. He would be disappointed if we don't double our applicants in the second year. One way to measure would be to see Job announcements recognizing the program as a Plus for an applicant. The LPR team would provide metrics over time and hope to have an outside entity review the program and come back with a status. Some work needs to be performed in CiVi to aid in segregating the payments from other sponsors. This brought out that the Individual Sponsorship Page was automatically generated out of CiVi.

  • Leadership Committee (Ski)

No developments. Ski is due to speak with Mario shortly and should have information at the next meeting.

Executive Session (Ski)

New Business

  • Professionalism Committee *

Aleksey and Will Denis have been working on this project and have submitted a charter to Matt Simmons. He will be developing the Policy and sending the Policy and Charter out in an email for review.


Evan motioned for adjournment John seconded