Board meeting Minutes/10 Oct 2011

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26 Sept 2011
Board meeting Minutes Next:
24 Oct 2011

Minutes approved: 24 Oct 2011

Philip Kizer (chair), Matt Disney, Chris St. Pierre, Ski Kacoroski, Nadine Miller, Jesse Trucks, William Bilancio, Jesse Trucks
Lois Bennett, Dan Rich
09:03pm Eastern Time
09:42pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

  • Usenix is interested in continuing to work with us for conferences.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
    • None this week
  • Membership report
    • Year to date numbers ok, 200+ new members, but we need to work on renewals (making sure they renew)
  • Technical services report
    • Everything running smoothly
  • Conference/events activities report
    • SCALE classes are the ones we are working.
    • Cascadia and PICC are going well, John Boris will be program chair for PICC
  • Locals report
    • Still working on package for locals
  • Mentorship Status report
    • No status
  • Development report
    • Nothing on new sponsorships
  • Upcoming LOPSAgram
    • Nothing needed yet.

Big Project Planning (Kizer)

    • What can get do to get these on track.
    • Philip will put up a page on the wiki that all board members need to update.
    • Nadine: Directors write up paragraphs on what they are working on in their LOPSA blogs and get more folks to write about what they are doing. Idea of getting industry leaders to write postings for LOPSA.
    • Ski: Pick one project and have everyone work on it as a team
    • Jesse: Only ask volunteers to do small chunks of work at a time.
    • Matt: Folks can work together on LISA as our first major project as the board.

Intern Idea... (Ski)

One thing I have noticed is that it is very hard for myself and Dan to respond quickly on membership issues. In addition, I think we are missing out on touching base with expiring members to see what is going on (just no time for me to do this). I would like the board to consider paying for an intern to:

  • check and respond to member emails in Customer Service
  • touch base with folks that do not renew to see if we can get them to renew
  • send out initial sponsorship requests
  • collect information about LOPSA's name in the news, social networking sites
  • ask folks to blog for LOPSA
  • help out with local announcements
  • <your item here>

I am thinking we could pay $200 - $400/month for someone to do this depending on how much they do - figure 5 - 10 hours a week at $10/hr. The benefits are better service for our members, faster movement on some of our projects, and better information for us to make decisions.

I have one person in mind (she is working for me on Cascadia).

    • Ski will check into this, but not make any promises until Lois checks out the financial implications. William will check into a form that we would have to fill out for an intern.

Next Agenda item... (NAME)

New Business

First new item...



Ski motioned to adjourn and William seconded at 9:42pm