Board meeting Minutes/12 Aug 2013

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29 Jul 2013
Board meeting Minutes Next:
24 Aug 2013

Minutes approved: 24 Aug 2013

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), Matt Disney, Dan Rich, John Boris, Evan Pettrey, Martin Gehrke
Ski Kacoroski (from somewhere in the north cascades),William Bilancio
8:03 PMEastern Time
8:34 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

  • The minutes of 29 Jul 2013 were approved

Action Items

Board members are asked to review their open tickets in RT and update them. The Jobs board ticket was given to William. Evan will try to get the name changed on the Sales Tax Certificate (From SAGE to LOPSA). Matt is working on a WiAC Template.

These will be gone over again at the face 2 Face with the new board.

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report

All liabilities are up to date. The PayPal Invoicing is now active and is able to be used to bill Companies that want to purchase multiple memberships for their employees and their customers. Evan is trying to correct the issues with the FedEx account login.

  • Membership report
    • 871 members
    • 6 lapsed members in Aug, 51 in Jul, 98 last quarter, 261 YTD
  • Technical services report

No tech services report due to William's absence

  • Conference/events activities report
    • FOSSCON'13 (John)

This event was more on OPEN Source products and was not a Sysadmin oriented event. We had 23 people drop their card in the bowl for a chance for the O'Reilly books and more than that stop by to chat. I want to thank Chris Needham, Aaron Kuhn and Lance Brown help setup, man and breakdown the table. I also want to thank Jesse Trucks and Corey Quinn for stopping by and help promote LOPSA. After you give the same message more than once in 30 minutes it was a well needed respite to have them step up and promote LOPSA to our table visitors. Although we did not get anyone to sign up we had some show a lot of promise. We did get a lot of feedback about no local chapter meet up in the Philadelphia Area. A lot of the folks are from outside of Philadelphia but got a good suggestion from one stopper by that King of Prussia, PA might be a good spot since PLUG has a good foot hold in the area. It might be worth it to contact PLUG and see if we can get an Affiliate relationship with them.

Also speaking with two prospects the topic of Certifications came up. Although we don't have certifications he was looking for a resource on them and info about them. That was a good idea. It might be a good addition to the Web site where our members could go to a spot that would have links for Certifications.

  • Local Chapter Committee report

The Committee is still trying to get a meeting setup but it is has been tough synching everyone's schedule. Matt emailed the list that Austin is starting up again.

  • Mentorship Status report

John was not at the meeting on August 8th. Never got the invite for the Hangout. The minutes of the meeting show that they are working on some automation issues. The Mailing List had an issue. It seems all of the emails were being held because the flag had got set to moderate the list. Therefore no one was seeing the replies from Mentors, thus causing the backlog of Proteges. This was corrected.

  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (last meeting of the month only)
  • Project Management report
  • Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

Philip will contact Mario as he hasn't gotten back to him yet about staying on as LC.

Policy for Volunteer Awards Committee (John/Martin)

There was a request to form a Committee for recognizing Volunteers each year at one or more of our local conferences. Here is the first stab at the Draft Policy:

The committee would suggest the award type, criteria and "prize" and submit that to the board. The board could also come up with an award and pass it off to the committee to look for recipients. Martin will modify the draft and try to bring it together into one policy. Dan recommended that we roll this into the committee policy on governance and have only one Policy that handles awards so we don't have to write a policy for each Award.



Martin moved to adjourn Dan seconded