Board meeting Minutes/15 December 2009

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1 December 2009
Board meeting Minutes Next:
12 January 2010

Minutes approved: 12 January 2010

Trey Harris (chair), Derek Balling, Travis Campbell, Philip Kizer, MaryBeth Kurland, Dan Rich, Jesse Trucks, Deepa Solanki
Ski Kacoroski, David Parter, Lois Bennett
8:37 PM Eastern Time
9:06 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Executive Director's report
  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

New Business

LOPSA's Existence with Frappr

At one point, Tom Perrine created a frappr map for LOPSA members to register themselves with. Frappr appears to be going away on December 31st. The replacement for Frappr is Platial, but there appear to be no tools to import from Frappr to Platial, which would cause us to start this map thing anew.


Continue with Frappr for one year at the cost of $24.95 (though, it's not clear if everyone on the map has to do this or just hte map owner).

Start a new map on Platial and just send a notice out on the website (and update our link to use the new map location)

Deprecate it and remove it from the website.less a great need arises in the future to reconsider its use.

Group agreed to let Frappr phase out unless need arises to re-visit at a future date.

NJ LOPSA SysAdmin Day Revised Budget

Since Lois and David were not on the phone, the board agreed to hold a vote via email instead of on today’s call. Staff to send a note along with the budget asking for a motion to approve. Board would like to vote prior to the end of the week.


Board agreed to skip the meeting originally scheduled for 12/29/09 and to reconvene on 1/12/10.

Board said goodbye to Deepa and thanked her for her service.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 PM ET.