Board meeting Minutes/1 December 2009

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17 November 2009
Board meeting Minutes Next:
15 December 2009

Minutes approved: 15 December 2009

Subject to verification Trey Harris (chair), Lois Bennett, Travis Campbell, Ski Kacoroski, Philip Kizer, David Parter, Dan Rich, Jesse Trucks, Deepa Solanki, MaryBeth Kurland
Derek Balling
8:36pm Eastern Time
9:26pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Executive Director's report
  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Approve Budget (Bennett)

  • After studying I am ready to recommend passage.
  • Motion made by Bennett and seconded by Parter to approve the budget for 2009 found here:2009 Budget (Final).

LOPSA-New Jersey Sysadmin Community Conference: Proposal (Bennett)

  • LOPSA-New Jersey has put together a plan for a miniconference in May which was sent to the board last week and is also available here: [proposal] and the budget for the conference: [Mini Conf Budget].

New Business

  • Introductions were made by Marybeth Kurland.
  • Some concerns were raised about the decline of members. Urgent need to start converting registered users to members.
  • Great opportunity to strengthen locals and affiliates.
  • Strong grass roots volunteer areas are critical to association.


Next LOPSA LIve is scheduled for 4pm EST Weds Dec 9th.
