Board meeting Minutes/18 May 2015

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4 May 2015
Board meeting Minutes Next:
1 Jun 2015

Minutes approved: 1 Jun 2015

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Ski Kacoroski, Steve VanDevender, George Beech, Mark Honomichl, Thomas Uphill
John Boris, Dan Rich (chair), William Bilancio, Matt Disney
9:20 PM Eastern Time
9:40 PM Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

See RT Board Queue

Standing Reports

Treasurer's report (Disney)

No report

Membership report (VanDevender)

  • See CiviCRM
  • Previous Month:
    • New: 14 (8 students)
    • Renew: 4 (1 students)
    • Lapsed: 54
  • Month to Date:
    • New: 10 (0 students)
    • Renew: 3 (1 students)
    • Lapsed: 96
  • Total: 701 (537 paying)

Looks like the current surge in lapses is from last year's LOPSA-East memberships expiring. I hope we'll recover some of those from the discount offer to LOPSA-East members.

We also still need to import Cascadia 2015 memberships. Ski asked Steve to follow up with Matt and Dan about importing the list.

Conference/events activities report (Bilancio)

No Report

Local Chapter Committee report (Bilancio)

No Report

Development report (Kacoroski)

O'Rielly will be changing their benefits package so we will have to wait until they let us know their new policies so we can forward those benefits to our members.

Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (Kacoroski)

LOPSAgram went out with no problems. June is on schedule.

Project Management report (Rich)

No Report

Liaison reports (LC, etc.)

Technical Services Report (Bilancio)

No Report

Mentorship Report (Beech)

Nothing to report. George is going to look into the lack of meetings. Ski mentioned he hasn't seen any notices of any new proteges or mentors.

Leadership Committee (Kacoroski)

Warner has a schedule and we have 4 candidates for 4 positions. He is actively looking for more candidates. I expect that he will be sending an email to all members this week about the election. Ski asked for any concerns about the elections. Ski stated the deadline for nominations is May 29th. There will not be a LOPSA-Live. Ski will post a page on LOPSA.ORG where people will be able to post their questions in the comments and Warner will pull them off for the candidates to answer. Ski stated that Warner is looking for people to help him with the Leadership committee. If you know of anyone that wants to help send their name to Warner at The election will open June 22 and close July 6.

Lisa'15 (Kacoroski)

Nothing to report - I will not have time to spend on this until July

Email to LOPSA-East members... (Ski)

I talked with JohnB. This email has not gone out. Dan created a page at:

I propose that I send out the following email to all folks who attended LOPSA-East 2014:

Dear <Name>,

The LOPSA Board recognizes that attendees of LOPSA-East have relied on that attendance to continue their membership in LOPSA. Since LOPSA-East 2015 is not being held and some may have to renew their membership out-of-pocket the board has decided to offer attendees of LOPSA-East 2014 a $15 discount on renewal of their LOPSA Membership.

LOPSA-NJ has started working on LOPSA-East 2016 and we are hoping that it will be the best one in the series. Please go to to renew your membership at a special reduced rate of $35. This reduced rate will be available until May 31st, 2015. Thanks again for your support of LOPSA.

Skills USA

George Beech was asked to be a judge for Skills USA and will be doing that during June. Ski will send George a T Shirt. George is unsure what marketing he can do while being a judge.


Ski will be sending T Shirts to members who will put the LOPSA logo on their slides when they give a talk/presentation.

Sysadmin Day

Thomas asked about Sysadmin Day prizes for contests for that day. He is currently putting together the theme for the contest. Ski stated we can announce it at the end of June and post it in the LOPSAgram. Ski will contact our sponsors for prizes and Thomas will design the criteria for the contest along the lines of posting your best "Save the day story".

Ski also asked if it would be good to ask the locals if they are going to do something for Sysadmin Day we could send them something like T Shirts for give-a-ways. Thomas mentioned that they should have at least 10 people in attendance at the meetup and Ski will send them T Shirts for whatever they want. Ski will post this in the next LOPSAgram.


Thomas will be speaking at Puppet Camp in two weeks so Ski will send him a T shirt.


Motion to adjourn by George

Seconded by Steve.