Board meeting Minutes/4 May 2015
Prior: 6 Apr 2015 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 18 May 2015 |
Minutes approved: 15 Jun 2015
- NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
- Unspecified
- Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
- Present
- (Subject to verification)Dan Rich (chair), John Boris, Matt Disney, Steve VanDevender,George Beech,Mark Honomichl
- Apologies
- Ski Kacoroski, William Bilancio,Thomas Uphill
- Guests
- ?
- Opened
- 9:13 PM Eastern Time
- Closed
- 9:22 PM Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Minutes of 6 Apr 2015 approved
Action Items
The board is reminded to review all of the action items in RT and
- Update thier tickets
- Close any of their tickets that are finished or no longer relevant
- Take ownership of a ticket that was assigned to a board member that has left
Dan will review the tickets over the next two weeks for any movement.
Standing Reports
Treasurer's report (Disney)
- Balance info
- BoA Account: $22,868.88
- PayPal Account: $1,226.85
- TDBank: $2,000.73
- Total: $26,096.46
- +/- from last meeting: -$4,612.81
- Summary of expenditures since last report:
- Budgeted operational expenses
- Cascadia expenses
- Summary of income since last report:
- Membership dues
- Outstanding assets
- Cascadia accounts receivable ($34,623.78)
- Outstanding liabilities
- VanDevender (report submitted, William has this)
- Cascadia accounts payable ($750.00)
- Top priorities
- Cascadia: accounts receivable, contract for next year
- Budget
- Scott Koch refund
- F2F reimbursement (VanDevender)
- Transition bank accounts
- 2013 990
- 2014 990
- Assuming HootSuite charges
- Draft policy for management of locals finances
- Misc:
- Need VanDevender expense report
- Direct deposit from Eventbrite failed (wrong account info) and has been reissued.
Matt will proceed to handle Steve's Face to Face reimbursements.
Matt will be working on the 990s and is working on a way to make it easier to handle the 990s.
Membership report (VanDevender)
- See CiviCRM
- Previous Month:
- New: 14 (8 students)
- Renew: 4 (1 students)
- Lapsed: 57
- Month to Date:
- New: 2 (2 students)
- Renew: 1 (1 students)
- Lapsed: 73
- Total: 719 (549 paying)
High lapse rate may be due to LOPSA East expirations?
Still need Cascadia '15 member import.
Steve asked John about the invite to the LOPSA-East 2014 attendees for special discount.
Conference/events activities report (Bilancio)
John mentioned that William and the possible Chair for LOPSA-East 2015 have to sit down and discuss a few things and that the contract was signed with the Hyatt in New Brunswick and was supposed to use the LOPSA Tax ID.
Local Chapter Committee report (Bilancio)
Development report (Kacoroski)
- Responded to sponsorship inquiry, but other than that nothing to report.
Communications (LOPSAgram, #lopsa-live, etc) (Kacoroski)
- LOPSAgram will go out tomorrow.
Project Management report (Rich)
No report
Liaison reports (LC, etc.)
Technical Services Report (Bilancio)
No report
Mentorship Report (Beech)
No report
Leadership Committee (Kacoroski)
- Talked a bit with Warner. He assures me that everything is going along fine for the elections. I will ask him again next week.
Lisa'15 (Kacoroski)
- Nothing to report
LOPSA handling Local's Finances
A short discussion proceeded on the Policy for this issue. Matt Disney is working on this and will get it out for a first reading. There will be an email discussion on this once the policy is written.
New Business
George asked for status of the election and what is happening. Dan restated what Ski had told him that Warner does have candidates and that a schedule has to be created for the LOPSA-Live sessions. All of this has to be completed by June 9th.
Governance of LOPSA
- Matt Disney posed the question if a mailing list or forum for the discussion of the Governance of LOPSA. It might be a place for the Board to discuss items (non sensitive items)and the members would be able to comment on them.
- The consensus of the board that it was a good idea.
- Dan did a quick scan of the current mailing lists and there is nothing close to that already.
- It is an interesting idea and we should do and see how it flies.
- Dan asked Matt to write up something and post it to discuss and see what kind of feedback we get and go from there.
John motioned for adjournment George Seconded