Board meeting Minutes/27 October 2008
Prior: 13 October 2008 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 10 November 2008 |
Minutes approved: 10 November 2008
- Present
- Subject to verification Trey Harris (chair), Matthew Barr, Philip Kizer, Chris Palmer, David Parter, Stephen Potter, Jesse Trucks, Bob Apthorpe, Derek Balling, Deepa Solanki
- Opened
- 8:04pm Eastern Time
- Closed
- 9:09pm Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Record email MOTION: increase the expense line for "Programs/Merchandise" from $1000 to $2500, and to authorize an additional $500 for the purchase of "volunteer shirts" to give to volunteers or speakers at LOPSA events. Motion Balling, second Parter on 17 October. Passed 17 October.
- APPROVE policy on email addresses: email addressesPurposeLOPSA staff and certain volunteers shall be provided with email addresses in the domain name, in order to promote LOPSA's visibility and ensure consistent communication and branding to members, partners, and the community. Board of DirectorsAll Board members shall be assigned an address in the domain before their first term commences. As long as an individual who has served on the Board maintains their LOPSA membership in good standing, they may continue use of the address. After a Board member's service ends, their address will be a mail alias only, not a mailbox on a LOPSA server. VolunteersVolunteers may be given email mailboxes or aliases in the domain named for the particular role they currently fill. For example:,, or No volunteer shall continue use of an address beyond their time of duty for the role that is assigned that email address. These are considered temporary addresses and are assigned as needed to carry out LOPSA business. Volunteers with these duties should make every effort to use this address for all communications related to their duties, rather than a personal address. StaffStaff positions, such as the Executive Director or Marketing Coordinator, shall have email aliases in the domain assigned for their role. Staff shall also have addresses assigned to their name, and should make every effort to use this address for official LOPSA communications rather than a personal address. No staff member shall continue use of a email address beyond their time of duty for the role that is assigned a email address. These are considered temporary addresses and are assigned as needed to carry out LOPSA business. Staff-level volunteersStaff-level volunteers, such as the Art Director and the Volunteer Coordinator, shall, like staff, be given both a role alias (e.g.,, and an address assigned to their name. Like other volunteer addresses, the role alias shall be removed or redirected once the volunteer's activity in that role has ceased. Like Board members, a staff-level volunteer shall retain the address assigned to their name as an alias for as long as they remain a member in good standing. Honorary addressesThe Board of Directors may by motion assign a domain email address as an honorary status, such as a previous volunteer or staff member that LOPSA wants to recognize in a special manner. Honorary email addresses should be a rare and well considered gift of recognition. Each honorary email address on the domain shall be limited to use by current LOPSA members in good standing, unless otherwise specified in the Board motion that assigns the address. These are considered permanent addresses, within the confines as noted above. The Board of Directors has the power by motion of the Board to revoke any previously assigned permanent email address using the domain. Use of addressesAny and all use of an email address on the domain implies usage consistent with the spirit, and adhering to the letter, of the Code of Ethics. In order to increase LOPSA's visibility in the community, current and former volunteers with a address assigned to their name are encouraged to use this address not just for LOPSA business but for any use consistent with the Code of Ethics and that does not bring the organization into ill repute. Users of these addresses shall make clear that they are not representing LOPSA in such communications. |
Action Items
- All: Please review 2008 Annual Membership Meeting page on wiki and add any items you wish to see covered.
Standing Reports
- Executive Director's report
- Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
- Membership report
- Technical services report
- Conference/events activities report
- Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)
LISA 2008 Update (Balling)
- T-shirts and Embroidered shirts "re-stocked"
- New Item: Fleece Jackets
- Update on credit card terminal for LISA? (Parter)
- Motioned by Parter to authorize up to $600 for credit card terminal and new merchant account. Seconded by Balling.
- Luggage tags re-ordered for giveaway swag
- Talking points needed (discuss now or in two weeks, but it's gotta get done). There is a need to be able to brief volunteers on an elevator pitch.
- Status of BOF slides? (Trey). Give time for board members to forward ideas before reaching out to members.
- Schedule - have you filled out your time slots on LISA_2008_Schedule yet? (probably not). Concerns about slots not being filled. Request made of board members to complete asap. 6 x 1 hour slots need to be filled before EOB Weds.
- Board asked if membership brochure would be ready in time for LISA.
1000th Member (Balling)
If we can determine who Member # 1000 was, it would be REALLY REALLY REALLY cool to do something for them at LISA if they're there (present them with a swag package in front of everyone at the annual meeting). Can we bump this in priority, so we can find out who they are, whether they're going to be @ LISA, etc., in advance?
- Swag will be set aside for the 1000th members. Trucks will identify and forward information.
OLF post-mortem (Harris)
- Please see report
In-person Board meeting (Harris)
- Who is attending?
- Everyone with the exception of Apthorpe and Solanki will be in attendance.
- Go over agenda
- Solanki to start on first draft of 2009 budget and to hold conference call with Harris, Kizer, Potter and Albrecht to discuss.
Action item: Solanki to work on first draft of 2009 budget.
Updates to Locals Policy (Apthorpe)
- Will have policy firmed up in time for LISA board meeting.
New Business
- It was requested that Kizer always review and clean up final minutes.
- Action Item: Add to LISA board agenda: Officer and director discretionary spending policy.
From Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 13 October 2008
- Tabled to next meeting.
- AMEND policy on Board electronic mail lists to change "sage-board@" to "lopsa-board@".
- Unnecessary due to prior motion
Treasurer's report
- Created seperate page on wiki to house monthly financials.
- Slightly behind projections.
- Conference budget was impacted as there was no conference in 2008.
- Membership dues are lower then expected but many renew towards the end of the year.
- Sponsorship has slowed down.
MOTION to adjourn. Passed.
Board adjourns at 9:09 p.m. Eastern Time.