Board meeting Minutes/28 April 2008

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14 April 2008
Board meeting Minutes Next:
12 May 2008

Minutes approved: 12 May 2008

Subject to verification Trey Harris (chair), Philip Kizer, Chris Palmer, David Parter, Bob Apthorpe, Matthew Barr, Jesse Trucks, Stephen Potter
Derek Balling, Deepa Solanki
20:10 EDT Eastern Time
21:31 EDT Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Consent agenda passes.

Standing Reports

  • Conference/events activities report
    • Scranton Tech Bash: looking into what we can do to participate
    • Parter/Trucks to give two-day master class at YAPC '08 (Chicago) on system administration
    • We need to be more frugal with shipping costs on swag

Next Memo to Members (Harris)

  • Discussion of how strategic commitments will be presented to members via the Memo

Program commitments (Parter)

Expanded Conference commitments (Parter/education committee)

Proposed 2008 (and on) deliverables
  1. Expand participation in OLFU to full 1-day training program plus booth
  2. participate in YAPC::na program, booth
  3. participate/presence at additional conferences (especially non-Linux)
  4. Expand participation in SCALE training program (Feb 2009)
Resources required to meet these deliverables
  1. shipping budget for booth materials
  2. misc budget for booth materials: $1500
  3. budget for shirts, etc for speakers
  4. OLFU needs more details and a budget
  5. SCALE needs more details and a budget

MOTION: LOPSA commits to an expanded conference program with an emphasis on partnering with at least three other organizations to deliver LOPSA training. Parter moves, Trucks seconds. Passes.

Guest Speakers at Locals (Parter/education committeee)

Proposed 2008 deliverables
  1. LOPSA sponsored guest speakers at 5 Local/Chapter events
Resources required to meet these deliverables
  1. volunteers
  2. travel budget: $2500
  3. misc budget (door prizes, etc): $500
  • Needs budgetary consideration before Board takes action.

Campus mini-conferences (Parter/education committee)

Proposed 2008 deliverables
  1. Four on-campus 1-day sysadmin mini-conferences (details will vary by site)
  2. 1 or 2 guest speakers for each
Resources required to meet these deliverables
  1. coordination with hosts
  2. hosts maybe able to cover costs
  3. press releases and other publicity
  4. door prizes, handouts, etc
  5. max $500 travel costs each: $2000
  6. refreshments (local sponsor? reg fee?)

MOTION: LOPSA commits to presenting two mini-conferences on campus in 2008 with a budget of $1000 plus any additional monies generated through direct sponsorship. Parter, second Potter. Passes.

LOPSA Podcast (Parter/Trucks)

Proposed 2008 deliverables
  1. monthly podcast starting September 2008 (4 in 2008)
  • Is it at all feasible to have it (and the next month) ready for sysadmin appreciation day?
  1. see Podcast
  2. we may be able to get sponsors
Resources required to meet these deliverables
  1. volunteer time
  2. Equipment:
    1. Any somewhat modern Apple OS X system (Windows or Linux systems can work, as well, but it's most cost effective in time and software do use OS X)
      • Not required to be dedicated for this purpose
      • Many Tech Team and Board members already own the computer system needed
    2. A quality microphone
      • Not built into system
      • Headset mics for each participant is ideal for phone or net based interviews or discussions: $40 - $100/headset (though many people already own them, and for non-LOPSA participants they would likely have to supply their own headset/mic)
      • Stand alone mic ideal for studio/quiet area interviews or discussions: $50 - $200 (high quality is important)
  3. Software: iLife (for Garageband) or Final Cut Express/Pro for Soundtrack or Soundtrack Pro (Garageband is already loaded on most OS X machines).
  4. Tech staff time: $500
  5. Editorial/producer: $500
  6. misc: $500
  7. Shirts/thank-yous for volunteers: $200
  8. note: costs might be higher if we have to pay for multiple test shows during the summer
  9. note: estimated budget for 2009: above x3?
  • Needs budgetary and technical consideration before Board takes action. Parter to convene ad-hoc subcommittee to research.

Strategic planning (Harris)

  • Round-robin status check on existing commitments
    • Kizer (direct-to-member communications): on track
    • Palmer (evangelist kit): on track
    • Apthorpe (chapters/locals): on track
    • Harris (resume standards): on track
    • Potter (fiscal plan): nothing to report, waiting on financials
    • Barr (LISA): on track


MOTION by Kizer, second Barr to adjourn. Passes.