Board meeting Minutes/7 January 2008

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18 December 2007
Board meeting Minutes Next:
21 January 2008

Minutes approved: 21 January 2008 Minutes amended on 4 March 2008 by email vote.

Subject to verification Trey Harris (chair), Bob Apthorpe, Derek Balling, Matthew Barr, Philip Kizer, David Parter, Stephen Potter, Jesse Trucks, Sam Albrecht
Chris Palmer,
Deepa Solanki
<8:05pm> Eastern Time
<8:44pm> Eastern Time

Draft Minutes

  • Approve minutes of 18 December 2007
  • Record email MOTION: to direct the Executive Director to take the reasonable steps necessary to open a standard stock brokerage account in LOPSA's name, so that we can receive gifts of appreciated stock as a form of sponsorship and fund raising. Moved by Potter on 1 January 2008, seconded by Balling. Motion passes on 3 January 2008.

Action Items

  • Trucks
    • Draft policy on use of email addresses
  • Harris:
    • Add new/incoming board members to board-only wiki

Standing Reports

  • Executive Director's report
    • Waiting for new artwork from JD before we can order new membership cards. Ordering letterhead with pop out card in corner.
    • Investigating brokerage account options for LOPSA. Checking with other executive directors for their recommendations.
    • Beginning name change activities now that 501.c.3 is done.
    • Julia has been supporting SCALE activity.
    • Michele/Deepa working on sponsorship plan for 2008. JD is also doing some work on the 2008 sponsorship prospectus.
  • Treasurer's report (second meeting of the month only)
  • Membership report
  • Technical services report
  • Conference/events activities report
    • SCALE booth confirmed. Mack Rhinelander main contact for SCALE.
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
  • Upcoming MtM (last meeting of the month only)

Sponsorship record keeping

  • All donations will receive a receipt and donation letter for the IRS.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock

  • Should LOPSA open a brokerage account in order to receive appreciated stock donations?
  • Should LOPSA change bylaws to include policy on GoAS? Possible issues: acceptance of particular kinds of stock (would we want to accept stock such as PLA - Playboy Enterprises?), do we want to be required to liquidate stock immediately, or hold for future growth, do we accept non-publicly traded stocks, what kinds of shares (common, preferred, pre-IPO)
    • Stocks are normally liquidated within 30 days of receipt.
    • ACTION ITEM: Finance Committee to draft a policy of how to handle acceptance of unusual cases of stocks at the board discretion.

Volunteer NDA compliance

  • All but one received.

New Staff Structure Proposal

  • Association Headquarters has promoted Deepa to the "Executive Director" level. They have recommended that she become the ED for LOPSA and that Sam Albrecht move "up" to Chief Relationship Officer (the position that Mike Dwyer holds). The advantage for LOPSA is that you would get more hours of the ED at a more cost effective rate.
    • MOTION: A motion was made, amended and seconded to accept Sam's recommendation to move Deepa to ED position and to extend thanks to Sam for his extraordinary service to this organization.

New Business

  • Membership
    • Rate of unpaid members is growing. A member has donated money for the Sysadmin mailing list. Would they consider selling list instead of one time usage?
    • ACTION ITEM: Deepa to compile comparison report for mailing - DONE
  • Vasser Conference Line
    • May possibly have this line discontinued. Derek will look into an inkind donation for line.


  • MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to invite Sam Albrecht to Founding Membership status.
  • MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to grant honorary membership to Sam Albrecht.


<8:44pm> Eastern Time