Board meeting Minutes/10 April 2006
Prior: 3 April 2006 |
Board meeting Minutes | Next: 19 April 2006 |
Minutes approved: 19 April 2006
- Present
- Tom Perrine (chair), Matthew Barr, Trey Harris, Doug Hughes, Andrew Hume, Chris Palmer, David Parter, Stephen Potter, Pat Wilson (note taker), Sam Albrecht
- Opened
- 20:07 Eastern Time
- Closed
- 22:39 Eastern Time
Consent Agenda
- Approve minutes of 3 April 2006
- Approve minutes of 27 March 2006
Consent agenda approved.
MOTION by Hume, seconded by ?? to accept minutes as amended. Passed.
Action Items
Board Committees
- Development Committee (Wilson/Potter)
- Potter - Work on proposals for potential sponsors - no progress; waiting for replies
- Partnership and Liason Committee (Perrine)
- Potter - Investigate potential discounts from targeted companies - no progress
- Leadership Committee (Greg Rose)
- Policy Committee (Harris)
- Barr, Harris - Work on Third-party discounts for members policy - deprecated; remove from Action Items until a need arises
- All - talk to contacts about getting discounts for members
The discount page has now been published on the web site
- Communications Committee
- Membership Committee
- Harris - Write and send a letter to non-paid account holders encouraging them to join. - reassigned to Perrine
- Harris, Parter - Produce a proposal for "sprint" membership drive mode. see wiki -- April or 1+1 (with Perrine)
- Parter - Look into "ongoing" mode membership drive mode issues. see Membership drive one wiki, section 3.1 and 3.1.1
- Perrine, Parter - Finish the first drive proposal. - see April Membership Drive on wiki
Program Committees
- Conference Planning Committee (Wilson/Perrine)
- Perrine - Send a Parter-written note to the intl members asking whether they'd like to be ambassadors for LOPSA to SANE - no action
- Technical (Online) Services (Hughes/Parter)
- Parter - Monthly transaction/product sales reports - no action on hold
- Parter - Mailing lists/online forum - no action
- Parter - Sponsorships page from database - no action
- Hughes - Sponsorships in "userdb" interface - no action
- Hughes - a user management infrastructure for Sam - no action
Hughes reports significant progress for standards. one member has list of standards and categories already done for his personal use.
Hughes reports progress on the Tools project - categories fleshed out and structured wiki format taking shape
- Content Services Committee (Palmer/Potter)
- Parter, Palmer - Revise the About Us page and begin the corporate history. - no action
- Barr, Potter - Coordinate the April BotM and try to find a volunteer to carry it on - no action
- Financial
- Hume - Present draft financial policies for Board approval. - reassigned to Harris
- Albrecht:
- Sent IRS letter with additional information requested. Tried following up with phone call, but no response.
- Barr:
- Follow up on comcast mail issue - Done
- Harris:
- Post a description of the Resume Standards project - in progress
- Hughes:
- Hume:
- Work with Usenix to pursuade them to sign a grant letter to the IRS by 30 March 2006 - deferred until later in the meeting
- Palmer:
- Parter:
- Prepare an expense plan for the NC*SA/UNC trip: in progress/hoping for hosts to pay expenses - in progress
- Perrine:
- Email Ellie Young of Usenix asking about LOPSA space at Usenix ATC - Done
- Iterate business plan - Done
- Potter:
- Wilson:
- Produce a proposal for a volunteer recognition program (with Harris, Parter) - no action
- All
- Re-read business plan
- Think about other orgs that our members may be interested in giving money to
Standing Reports
- Treasurer's report
Current financial situation nominal.
- Membership report
- See wiki for this week's status
Albrecht reports 11 New member kits sent out on Friday for period of 3/21 - 4/7. Still have 7 or 8 members who haven't given us an address. Only 1 replacement Code of Ethics sent out since initial mailing.
- Online report
Membership Drive - Kick off on 4/15
Discussion of the first membership drive took place. It was agreed that benefits of membership should be well defined and available to the members before the drive kicks off. The drive should be announced by email to all current members (generated from the member database), as not everyone is on announce@.
ACTION ITEM: Hughes to add field to member application asking about other organizations that the applicant belongs to.
Executive Session
USENIX matters (andrew)
MOTION by Hume, seconded by Potter to enter Executive Session, inviting Albrecht. Passes
[Executive session entered at 21:31 ET]
[Executive session ends at 22:33 ET]
Local Groups
how do we get this moving?
MOTION by Potter, seconded by Palmer to table this item until 17 April 2006 meeting. Passes.
- Wilson will not attend the April 17th meeting; apologies.
- Perrine's presence at several of the next few meetings is in doubt.
MOTION to adjourrn by Potter, seconded by Hume. Passes. Adjourned at 22:39 ET