Board meeting Minutes/9 Apr 2012

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26 Mar 2012
Board meeting Minutes Next:
23 Apr 2012

Minutes approved: 21 May 2012

  • NOTICE to those on the line: All present agree to a temporary recording of this call to be be deleted no later than when the minutes are approved. Please speak up if you disagree with this and we will discuss it after roll call.
Move your name to Present or Apologies prior to the meeting!
(Subject to verification) Philip Kizer (chair), Dan Rich, William Bilancio, Matt Disney, Jesse Trucks, Lois Bennett
Ski Kacoroski (vacation with family), Chris St. Pierre, Nadine Miller
0905pm Eastern Time
1000pm Eastern Time

Consent Agenda

Action Items

Standing Reports

  • Treasurer's report
  • Bank account is remaining steady, made first payment on AH debt
  • Membership report
    • 842 members (we were at 850 after the Cascadia import)
    • 88 lapsed members in Q1, 8 so far in Apr
    • 111 new members ytd, but only 12 renewals.
  • Technical services report
    • Checking into options for our server colo.
    • Lois/Dan going to check into PayPal Pro so we can set up recurring memberships.
  • Conference/events activities report
    • Cascadia was a big hit.
    • PICC is ready to go.
    • Still waiting on SCALE money reconciliation
  • Mentorship Status report
    • Program ok, but need to figure out a way to improve the success rate of mentorship-protege pairs.
  • Development report (Meeting focus at first meeting of the month)
    • Working with Pepperdine University students on creating some marketing plans.

ISP/COLO Evaluation (wbilancio)

The tech committee thinks it's time to move to a new isp/colo. We have been doing research and have found some possibilities. What is the boards feelings on this move?

  • Decided to move forward on this project

Sys Admin Appreciation Day (Disney)

There has been some healthy discussion on the Discuss list about Sys Admin Day ideas. Would like to get a quick read on how the board feels about some of the suggestions. Created poll for board members to take

LOPSA value proposition for partnerships (Disney)

Let's discuss the value LOPSA offers in service partnerships (e.g. partnering with ServerFault on a jobs board).

#lopsa-live debrief (Kizer)

What went right, wrong, or could be better? We need to do this more often and better advertising to so we get more people involved.

Next Agenda item... (NAME)

New Business

First new item...


Need to find someone to shadow Lois as she is the outgoing treasurer


Motion to adjourn at 1000pm by Dan Rich. Seconded by William Bilancio